Fusichalara novae-zelandiae S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973

Fusichalara novae-zelandiae S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Colonies effuse, black, hairy. Mycelium immersed, composed of pale brown to brown, smooth, septate hyphae 1.8-4.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary, scattered or densely crowded, simple, erect, more or less cylindrical, brown to dark brown, smooth, with walls 1.0-1.5 µm thick, 150-230 µm long, inflated and 2- or 3-lobed and up to 16.2 µm wide at the immediate base, then 7.2-9.0 µm wide and 2- to 5-septate, terminating in a phialide. Phialides subcylindrical, 95-155 µm long composed of a poorly differentiated, very slightly inflated venter 30-40 µm long and 7.5-10.5 µm wide, and a long cylindrical collarette (60-)80-100(-120) µm long and 8-11 µm wide. Phialoconidia of two kinds. The first-formed conidium is long, cylindrical, rounded at the apex and narrowly truncate at the base, subhyaline to pale brown with the basal cell hyaline to subhyaline, rarely up to 18-septate and 120 µm long, but mostly 9- to 12-septate and 83-105 x (5.2-) 5.5-6.5 µm. Subsequent conidia fusiform, straight or slightly sigmoid, narrowly conical at the apex, truncate at the base, end cells hyaline, median cells pale brown, predominantly 7-septate and (27-)30-40(-47) x 5.0-6.5(-7.0) µm.
HABITAT: on rotten wood of Leptospermum scoparium.
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Cornwallis, 3.I.1963, PDD 30404 (type) (DAOM 110040).
Coloniae effusae, atrae, hirsutae.Mycelium immersum, ex hyphis ramosis, pallide brunneis vel brunneis, septatis 1.8-4.5 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora solitaria, dispersa vel aggregata, plus minusve cylindracea, brunnea vel atrobrunnea, laevia, 150-230 µm long, basi inflata, 2- vel 3-lobata et ad 16.2 µm lat., dein 7.2-9.0 µm lat., 2-5-septata, in phialidem unicam desinentia. Phialides subcylindricae, 95-155 µm long, ex ventro parum inflato 30-40 µm long., 7.5-10.5 µm lat., et collo cylindrico (60-)80-100(-120) µm long. et 8-11 µm lat. Phialoconidium princeps longe cylindraceum, apice rotundatum, basi anguste truncatum, subhyalinum vel pallide brunneum, cellula basali hyalina vel subhyalina, raro ad 18-septatum et 120 µm long., plerumque 9-12-septatum et 83-105 x (5.2-) 5.5-6.5 µm. Phialoconidia sequentia fusiformia, recta vel subsigmoidea, apice anguste conica, basi truncata, cellulis terminalibus hyalinis, cellulis mediis pallide brunneis, plerumque 7-septata et (27-) 30-40(-47) x 5.0-6.5 (-7.0) µm.
HABITAT: in ligno putrido Leptospermi scoparii, New Zealand.
TYPUS: Auckland Province, Cornwallis, 3.I.1963, PDD 30404 (DAOM 110040).