Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973

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Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj, New Zealand J. Bot. 11 663 (1973)
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
S. Hughes & Nag Raj
S. Hughes & Nag Raj
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
NZ holotype
Fusichalara dimorphospora
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Colony superficial, effuse, black, hairy. Mycelium immersed, composed of pale brown to brown, smooth, septate hyphae 1.5-4.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary and scattered or in groups of 2 to 4, simple, erect, more or less cylindrical, brown to dark brown, with smooth walls1.0-1.5 µm thick, 180-315 µm long, usually inflated and up to 15 µm wide at the immediate base, then 8-11 µm wide and 3- to 5-septate, terminating in a phialide. Phialides subcylindrical, 115-180 µm long, composed of a very slightly inflated venter 37-53 µm long and 10-14 µm wide and a collarette 70-130 µm long which expands slightly to 13.5 -15.3 µm wide toward the apex. Phialides are brown to dark brown with a diffuse darker brown zone around the base of the collarette and also below its paler, torn, and frilled apex. Phialoconidia of two kinds. The first-formed conidium is long-cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex and obconical at the base, 11- to 17-septate, with the septa mostly transverse, but with one or a few oblique, pale brown to brown, except for the hyaline to subhyaline basal cell. They measure 85-126 x (6-)7-9 µm. Subsequent conidia are fusiform or slightly sigmoid, with the basal cell generally more tapered than the apical one, which is bluntly rounded, predominantly 7- septate, but occasionally 3- to 5-, or more, rarely 8-septate: septa are thick and dark, and the end cells are hyaline to subhyaline with the penultimate cells occasionally paler than the uniformly brown median cells. The 7-septate conidia are (50-)60-72 x 9-10 µm, and the occasional 3-septate ones 36-38 x 7.2-8.3 µm.
Habitat: on bark of dead Weinmannia racemosa.
Coloniae superficialiae, effusae, nigrae, velutinae. Mycelium ex hyphis immersis, ramosis, septatis, pallide brunneis vel brunneis, 1.5-4.5 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora solitaria, sparsa vel 2-4 fasciculate, plus minusve cylindracea, brunnea vel atrobrunnea, 180-315 µm long., basi ad 15 µm lat. inflata supra basim 8-11 µm lat., 3-5-septata, in phialidem unicam desinentia. Phialides subcylindricae, 115-180 µm long., ex ventro parum inflato 37-53 µm long., 10-14 µm lat., et collo cylindrico 70-130 µm long. et apicem versus 13.5-15.3 µm lat., compositae. Phialides brunneae vel atrobrunneae, annulis duobus diffuse obscuris notatae quorum una circa apicem ventri et altera apicem versus colli adsunt. Phialoconidium princeps longe cylindraceum, apice rotundatum basi obconicum, 11-17- plerumque transverse septatum, aliquando 1-2 septis obliquiter vel longitudinaliter, pallide brunneum vel brunneum praeter cellulam basalem hyalinam, 85-126 x (6-)7-9 µm. Phialoconidia sequentia fusiformia, sigmoidea, plerumque 7-septata, (50-)60-72 x 9-10 µm, aliquando 3- vel 5-septata, raro 8-septata; septis crassitunicatis atrobrunneis. Cellulae 5 mediae brunneae, aliae successive palidiores.
Habitat: in cortico emortuo Weinmanniae racemosae. New Zealand. Typus: Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30402 (DAOM 960201).
Habitat: in cortico emortuo Weinmanniae racemosae. New Zealand. Typus: Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30402 (DAOM 960201).
Collection: New Zealand, Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 30402 (type) (DAOM 960201).
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Notes — Fusichalara dimorphospora differs from the similar F. novae-zelandiae by larger phialides and characters of conidia. Thefifirst conidia are wider and pale brown to brown (v subhyaline to pale brown in F. novae-zelandiae) except for the hyaline basal cell, and possess more septa, typically are 11–17 transversely septate but occasionally with one or a few oblique septa, the subsequent conidia are 7-septate, longer and wider with transverse septa only (Hughes & Nag Raj 1973)
Taxonomic concepts
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1973)
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1973)
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1973)
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1973)
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
Fusichalara dimorphospora S. Hughes & Nag Raj
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand, Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, holotype PDD 30402, isotype DAOM 96020i
scientific name
10 December 1992
15 December 2003