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Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973

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E. Horak
E. Horak
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
NZ holotype (PDD 27011)
Entoloma farinolens
'Lake Waikaremoana, Tawa Track, Urewera N.P., New Zealand; leg. Horak, 23. VI.1968', Holotype PDD 27011, Isotype Horak ZT 68/576

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Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973

Holotype (PDD 27011); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 68/576): 'Lake Waikaremoana, Tawa Track, Urewera N.P., N.Z.; leg. Horak, 23.VI.1968'.
Pileus 10-25 mm diam., convex or umbonate, but umbo always indistinct, margin incurved in young carpophores, dry, radially fibrillose, strongly striate, hygrophanous, dark brown. Lamellae (L 10-14, l 3-7) broadly adnate or uncinate; dark beige, finally pink, gill edge concolorous, sometimes wavy. Stipe -20 x -1.5 mm, frequently excentrically inserted, cylindrical, swollen at the base, curved, glabrous or slightly fibrillose, fistulose, solitary. Context brownish, thin. Odor and taste farinaceous.
Spores 8.5-10 x 6-8 µm, 5-angled, but also 4-sided. Basidia 30-35 x 10-11 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 35-50 x 8-10 µm, irregularly fusoid or clavate, thinwalled, without pigment. Pleurocystidia none. Cuticle a cutis of repent, cylindrical hyphae (10-15 µm diam.), membrane thin-walled, encrusted by brown pigment. Clamp connections absent.
On rotten tree-fern (Dicksonia fibrosa). New Zealand.
Pileo 10-25 mm lato, convexo vel subumbonato, sicco, perstriato, radialiter fibrilloso, brunneo. Lamellis ex adnato uncinatis, acie concolori instructis, griseobrunneis. Stipite -20 x –1.5 mm, saepe excentrico, cylindrico, curvato, ad basim subclavato, fistuloso. Odore saporeque farinaceo. Sporis 8.5-10 x 6-8 µm, 5-angulatis, raro 4 angulatis. sasidiis 4 sporigeris. Cheilocystidiis 35-50 x 8-10 µm, irregulariter clavatis vel fusoideis, haud coloratis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis cutem formantibus, pigmento brunneo incrustatis, haud fibuligeris. Ad truncos putridos Dicksoniae fibrosse. Novazelandia.
The closest affinity is with E. sordidulum Hk., which differs however, in its smaller pileus and concave pileus, lack of cheilocystidia and more distinctive, 4-sided spores.
Holotypus (PDD 27011): 'Lake Waikaremoana, Urewera N.P., N.Z.; leg. Horak, 23.VI.1968'.
Material. - New Zealand: Urewera N.P., Lake Waikaremoana, Tawa Track, 23.VI.1968, leg. Horak (PDD 27011, holotype).
Habitat. - On rotten Dicksonia fibrosa. - New Zealand.
Illustrations. - Horak (1973:12).

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Entoloma distinguens E. Horak
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma distinguens E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973

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Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Entoloma farinolens E. Horak 1973
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
The original name of this taxon, Entoloma farinolens E.Horak, is legitimate, and has priority over the superfluous new name Entoloma distinguens. The illegitimate later homonym, Entoloma farinolens (P.D.Orton) M.M.Moser (= Nolanea farinolens P.D.Orton 1960) has been renamed Entoloma ortonii Arnolds & Noordel. 1979, nom. nov.
'Lake Waikaremoana, Tawa Track, Urewera N.P., New Zealand; leg. Horak, 23. VI.1968', Holotype PDD 27011, Isotype Horak ZT 68/576

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1 January 2000
21 November 2022
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