Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962

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Entoloma convexum G. Stev., Kew Bull. 16 235 (1962)
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
NZ holotype (K, Stevenson 12)
Entoloma convexum
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Holotype (K): 'Butterfly, Wellington, N.Z.; leg. Stevenson. 7.V111.1949'. - Herb. HK. ZT 67/115 (PDD 27021): 'Kowai River, Mt. Grey, prov. Canterbury, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 20.1X.1967'.
Pileus 10-20 mm diam., conical, umbo small, sharp, rarely absent, papillate, bay brown or dark brown, drying paler, striate, hygrophanous, dry, radially fibrillose. Lamellae (L 8-12, 1 3) free or slightly adnexed, distant, deep pink, gill edge concolorous. Stipe 30-60 x 1.5-2 mm, cylindrical, grey-brown, sometimes with white weft at the base, fragile, hollow, glabrous, single. Context brownish. Odor unpleasant. Taste mild.
Spores 10-14.5 x 10-14 µm, subglobose, 5-6-angled. Basidia 40-60 x 11-16 µm, 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia none. Cuticle a cutis of repent, cylindrical hyphae (5-24 µm diam.), membrane not gelatinized, thin-walled, encrusted by brown pigment. Clamp connections present or absent.
Spores 10-14.5 x 10-14 µm, subglobose, 5-6-angled. Basidia 40-60 x 11-16 µm, 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia none. Cuticle a cutis of repent, cylindrical hyphae (5-24 µm diam.), membrane not gelatinized, thin-walled, encrusted by brown pigment. Clamp connections present or absent.
On soil in forests (under Nothofagus solandri). New Zealand.
Stevenson 1962: 1.c.
The name of this species is in some ways misleading because the pileus is not truly convex but practically always has a well-pronounced umbo. E. convexum is well characterized by its large, subglobose spores, the papillate pileus and the deep pink and free lamellae.
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Filed in K as Nolanea, a second Stevenson collection in K, GS 426
Taxonomic concepts
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. (1962)
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. (1962)
Entoloma convexum G. Stev. 1962
Global name resources
Identification keys
taxonomic status
non Leptonia convexa Largent 1977
[New Zealand] Wellington, [Eastbourne], Butterfly [Creek], on soil in mixed broadleaf forest, 7 Aug. 1949, G. Stevenson 12. Holotype K(M) 98636
scientific name
1 January 2000
21 November 2022