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Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932

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Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins, J. Agric. Res. 44 696 (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932

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New Zealand
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(Burkh.) Jenkins
Elsinoe veneta

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Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932

Anthracnose or cane spot due to Elsinoe veneta is common in New Zealand on all introduced species of Rubus, especially on raspberries and loganberries. It was first thought to be of minor importance (Woodhead and Chamberlain, 1940), but Taylor (1945) showed that a cane infection could result in a stunting of plants. He showed that a spray programme using Bordeaux mixture would control the disease. Newhook and Vaughan (1965) noted the economic importance of this disease in Hawke's Bay. Wellington, and Nelson in the 1964 season and for its control stressed the importance of an application in the early spring of a Bordeaux spray mixture.

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Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins (1932)

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Elsinoe veneta (Burkh.) Jenkins 1932
[Not available]

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17 April 2001
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