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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822

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Threat status: Data deficient

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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822

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New Zealand
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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca

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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822

On dead leaves of a grass, Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Mania Camp Site, 5.111. 1963, F.J.M., DAOM 93639

I collected this species on dead bark of Eucalyptus sp. in South Australia: (1) National Park, Adelaide, 8,VII.1963, PDD 21425 (DAOM 93637) and (2) Kuitpo Forest Area, 10.VII.1963, PDD 21509 (DAOM 93636).

In these collections, as well as in two others from Colorado (U.S.A.) at 2400 and 2600 m and two from British Columbia and Saskatchewan, the germ pore on the conidia is mostly in an equatorial position and only rarely just above the basal scar. In the type collection of Streptothrix mounceae Sumstine (= Conoplea fusca) from Western Ontario, the germ pore is mostly just above the base but occasionally equatorial. In European and eastern North American collections the conidial wall is smooth to inconspicuously roughened but in collections from Australasia and western North America the roughening is somewhat more evident.
References: Hughes (1958, 1960),

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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. (1822)
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. (1822)
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. (1822)
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. (1822)
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. (1822)
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822

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Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
New Zealand
Conoplea fusca Pers. 1822
United States

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scientific name
10 December 1992
21 September 2006
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