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Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

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Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 310 (1961)
Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

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New Zealand
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Cooke & W. Phillips
(Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis
as 'brevispora'
NZ holotype
Calycella brevisporia

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Ochraceum,.sessile, sparsum (1-3 mm.). Cupulis applanatis, concavis ; margine pallido, elevato. Ascis cylindricis. Sporidiis breviter ellipticis, demum uniseptatis (.007-.0l x .003-.004 mm.) Paraphysibus linearibus.
Described with some hesitation as the specimen was small. It is therefore subject to future confirmation.
On decorticated sticks. Waitaki (30 b).

Helotium brevisporum Cooke & Phillips in Grevillea 8, 63 (Dec. 1879).

Apothecia scattered, superficial, subsessile; disc flat, up to 3 mm. across, ochraceous, with a low obtuse margin; receptacle saucer-shaped, paler than the disc, smooth, with a short stout stalk, largely immersed in the substrate. Excipulum of parallel hyphae lying at a moderate angle to the surface, 4-5 µ wide, with rather thick hyaline walls; flesh of loosely woven hyaline hyphae, stained brown in the base of the stalk only. Asci cylindric-clavate, about 75 x 6 µ, 8-spored, pore blued by Melzer's reagent; ascospores uniseriate, elliptical, 8-12 x 3-4 µ, becoming 1-septate. Paraphyses cylindrical, 2 µ wide. On decorticated wood.

NEW ZEALAND: Waitaki, S. Berggren 30b (Typus). Fig. 17.

Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

On decorticated wood, Prov. Canterbury, 186o-61, Sinclair & Haast 8; Waitaki, Berggren 30B (type).
For description see Kew Bull. 13: 335 (1958).
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] In K, filed as Bisporella Dennis' description recalls a sessile Crocicreas, clearly illustrating excipular elements arranged more or less in parallel. Type looks like it might have been substipitate. A second specimen cited by Dennis, Sinclair No. 8. is not in great condition In (macroscopically appears mouldy) but clearly stipitate and looks macroscopically just like B. citrina. Squash mount shows excip to be Crocicreas, parallel rows of hyphae in gel matrix - what appear to be mould on outside of disc are in fact a layer of crystals.

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Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Calycella brevispora (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)
Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Calycella brevispora (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)
Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Calycella brevispora (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)
Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Calycella brevispora (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)

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Calycella brevisporia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
[Not available]

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scientific name
21 January 1993
11 April 2023
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