Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978

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Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 358 (1978)
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Asteridiella knightiae
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Type: Sooty Moulds and Similar Fungi; Description: Subiculum 2–3 mm in diameter, black; on upper surfaces of leaves. Mycelium densely reticulate, composed of dark brown, septate, straight or curved hyphae with capitate hyphopodia, 45–55 μm long. Ascomata perithecial, scattered, black, globose, up to 0.2 mm in diameter. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 3-septate, 72–79 × 25–28 μm, dark brown. Conidia cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, 0-sepate, 7–9 × 2–3.5 μm, hyaline.
Distribution: Northland.; 1st Record: Hughes (1978)
Significance: None.; Host(s): Knightia excelsa.
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Colonies epiphyllous, black, 2-3 mm diam. Mycelium composed of straight to sinuous, dark brown hyphae 7.2-9 µm wide, the cells 22-48 µm long, branching opposite or irregularly alternate at 40-80°, densely reticulate. Capitate hyphopodia alternate or loosely arranged, mostly antrorse, straight or irregularly curved, (32-)45-55(-65) µm long; stalk cell cylindrical to cuneate, sometimes slightly lobed, 18-43 µm long; head cell strongly and irregularly 3- to 6-lobed, 18-36 µm long and 16-29 µm wide. Phialides (mucronate hyphopodia) few, scattered, straight or curved, ampulliform, 20-27(-36) x 8-10.5 µm, at first distally closed, later open at the apex of a cylindrical to funnel-shaped collarette which is up to 12µm long. Phialoconidia hyaline, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, obtuse at the apex, somewhat flattened at the basal scar, 7.2-9 x 2-3.5 µm. Up to five phialoconidia have been seen around the apex of a single phialide. Perithecia scattered, black, globose, up to 185 µm in diameter, wall cells, mammillate with obtuse or conoid processes. Ascospores dark brown, ellipsoidal, rounded at both ends, 3-septate, constricted, 72-79 x 25-28 µm.
Plagulae epiphyllae, atrae, 2-3 mm diam. Mycelium ex hyphis rectis vel sinuosis, atrobrunneis, 7.2-9 µm cr. (cellulis 22-48 µm longis), opposite vel irregulariter alternatim ramosis (40-80°) dense reticulatis compositum. Hyphopodia capitata alternata vel laxe dispersa, plerumque antrorsa, recta vel irregulariter curvata, (32-)45-55(-65) µm longa, cellula basali cylindracea vel cuneata, aliquando sublobata, 18-43 µm longa, cellula apicali fortiter et irregulariter 3-6-lobata, 18-36 x 16-29 µm. Phialides (= "hyphopodia mucronata") paucae, dispersae, rectae vel curvulae, ampullaceae, 20-27(-36) x 8-10.5 µm, strophio cylindrico vel infundibuliformi ad 12 µm longo coronatae. Phialoconidia hyalina, cylindrica, recta vel subcurvata, apice obtusa, basi cicatricibus planis praedita, 7.2-9 x 2-3.5 µm. Perithecia dispersa, atra, globosa, usque ad 185 µm diam., cellulis parietis mammillatis; mammillae obtusae vel conoideae. Ascosporae, atrobrunneae, ellipsoideae, utrinque rotundatae, 3-septatae, constrictae, 72-79 x 25-28 µm.
Holotypus in foliis vivis Knightiae excelsae. Nova Zelandia, "North Auckland, Waipoua", 17.V1.1963, S.J.H., PDD 30418 (DAOM 93448).
Holotypus in foliis vivis Knightiae excelsae. Nova Zelandia, "North Auckland, Waipoua", 17.V1.1963, S.J.H., PDD 30418 (DAOM 93448).
So far as I am aware this is the first record of phialoconidia produced from those structures which have been called "'mucronate hyphopodia", though these have frequently been illustrated with an open end.
On living leaves of Knightia excelsa. North Auckland, Waipoua, 17.VI.1963, PDD 30418 (DAOM 93448).
Taxonomic concepts
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes (1978)
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes (1978)
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes (1978)
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes 1978
Asteridiella knightiae S. Hughes (1978)
Global name resources
in foliis vivis Knightiae excelsae, Nova Zelandia [New Zealand], North Auckland, Waipoua, 17.VI. 1963, S.J.H., holotype PDD 30418, isotype DAOM 93448
scientific name
16 December 1992
15 December 2003