Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. 1783

Vernacular names
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. 1783
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. 1783
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. 1783
Basidiocarps medium to large, solitary to gregarious. Pileus to 130 mm, convex to plano- convex, then plano-depressed, margin sulcate (c. 0.07 R), entire, disc scarlet, paling to orange at the margin, then developing a metallic bronze appearance, viscid when young or wet, drying with age, volva remnants forming squarish to pointed, white warts on disc, becoming narrow, flocculent patches towards margin, often arranged concentrically. Lamellae crowded, free, 6- 10 mm wide, white; lamellulae subtruncate. Stipe to 170 mm high, 20-23 mm diameter, hollow, from bulbous base, 32-33 mm diameter, surface above annulus floccose to pulverulent, striate, white, below annulus sparsely floccose, white to sordid white, basal bulb crowned with concentric bands or squarish warts. Annulus membranous, pendulous then adhering to stipe, white to primrose. Context of pileus white, with orange to pale luteous directly under the pileipellis, stipe white.
Spore print white. Basidiospores (20/2), 9-10.5 x 7-5-8 µm, Qm 1. 38, Q 1. 12-1.40, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, inamyloid. Basidia 50-63. 5 x 10-13 µm, 4-spored, not clamped. Lamella margin cells indistinct. Pileipellis composed of c. 460 µm wide, gelatinised suprapellis, and dense, non-gelatinised subpellis. Volva remnants from pileus composed of globose, elliptic or clavate, hyaline cells, to 40 x 20 µm, with abundant hyphae to 8 µm wide; tending to vertically arranged on the disc, less so towards the pileus edge.