Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk

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Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 24: 420 (1892)
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Stock rather stout, multicipital, emitting short stolons or rhizomes with scalelike lvs; plant forming matted patches. Lvs rosulate, at nodes, 1-1∙5 cm. × 1-1∙5 mm., narrow-linear, obtuse, spreading to recurved, coriac. Peduncles up to 1∙5 cm. long in fr., with 1-2 short linear bracts or nude. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam.; phyll. 6-8, c. 2 mm. long, broad-oblong, obtuse, veins often obscure, margins scarious. Florets 6-8, not strongly dimorphic; achenes c. 2 mm. long, fusiform to obovoid, glab., obscurely ribbed to smooth.
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
2n = 18
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Low, creeping plants, forming loose to dense mats. Leaves linear, erectopatent, 7-13 × 1.0-1.3 mm; apex obtuse; margins narrowly scariose, hairy at the base. Capitula subsessile; peduncle elongated up to 1 cm in fruit; bracts 1-2, leaf-like. Phyllaries 7-10, oblong, obtuse, with 3 inconspicuous translucent ducts, 2.0-2.5 mm long. Outer florets 5-7, cyathiform, (5-) 4-lobed, white or tube white and lobes purple, 1.3-2.0 mm long; vascular tissue central. Central florets 4-5, functionally male, coloured as outer florets but soon turning brown, 1.8-2.5 mm long; vascular tissue central; anthers 1.1-1.2 mm long. Cypsela obovoid, ± terete, ribbed, glabrous, c. 1.6 mm long; apex indistinctly rimmed.
Taxonomic concepts
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
26 January 2006