Sonchus L.

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Sonchus L.
Vernacular names
Capitula large, solitary. Scapes slender, fistular, bearing 1-5 linear bracts, densely to sparsely clad in soft white tomentum, densely to sparsely dotted with dark slender glandular hairs. Phyll. in c. 4 series, imbricate, membr. to scarious; outermost short, tomentose on back; innermost long, narrowly ovate-oblong; all ± clad in dark slender glandular hairs, and somewhat narrowed to the base and below the rounded and fimbrillate scarious dark tips. Receptacle shallowly concave, alveolate. Florets c. 30, ligulate; limb pale yellow, about ═ slender claw in length, rather deeply 5-fid. Fertile achenes few, glab., strongly compressed, broad, bluntly rounded at tips, gradually narrowed to base, crowned by minute asperities, dark brown, with 4-5 longitudinal primary ribs and 4-5 weaker secondary ones, ± strongly transversely wrinkled towards base, walls coriac. Sterile achenes ∞, narrow-sub-cylindric, pale, finely ribbed, walls weak. Style-arms long, densely furnished with minute processes, finely coiled. Anthers long, cells obtuse at base. Pappus-hairs cop., slender, soft, white, connate at very base, minutely barbellate in upper half. Scapigerous herbs with stout taproot, rosulate lvs and cop. white latex. Type and only known sp.: K. novae-zelandiae.
Sonchus L.
Capitula many-fld, in terminal subcorymbose to umbellate panicles, homogamous; phyll. imbricate in several series; receptacle flat, nude; florets ligulate, yellow. Achenes ± compressed, ribbed, not beaked; pappus of cop. soft slender hairs. Erect lfy annual to perennial herbs with cop. latex. About 40 spp. of temperate regions, some widespread; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Sonchus L.
Annual to perennial herbs, taprooted or roots creeping and perennating. Tomentum generally confined to infls, or 0, composed of fine tangled and branched and/or long glandular or eglandular hairs. Stems usually branching above. Lvs basal and cauline, undivided to 1-(2)-pinnatifid. Capitula terminal and axillary, pedunculate, sometimes ± umbellate. Involucral bracts usually with tangled short white branching hairs, often with longer glandular or eglandular hairs, rarely glabrous; outer bracts small; inner bracts becoming larger, not in distinct rows. Receptacle mammillate, glabrous or with small scales or fine hairs. Corolla ligulate, yellow, or ligule pinkish beneath. Style branches filiform, dark. Achenes brown, numerous, weakly or strongly flattened, 3-5-ribbed on each face, winged or not; beak 0; pappus > achene, soft, white; bristles of 2 types, both scabrid: fine hairs with 2-fid apices, and very fine hairs with numerous microscopic recurved barbs at apices.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
14 June 2006