Euphrasia drucei Ashwin

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Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Perennial herb sts arising from woody stock; stems ± woody at base, often prostrate and rooting in lower parts, branches erect, 3-10 cm. tall, ± evenly pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. Close-set, spreading, 3-10 × 3-6 mm., obovate to obovate-cuneate to suborbicular, us. broadest some distance below tip, subequally 3-lobed at tip or rather evenly 3-5-crenate or -toothed, margins thickened and sts glossy. Fls few at tips of branches, pedicels short, hidden. Calyx 6-9 mm. long, glab. or nearly so, unevenly divided 1/4-1/2 way; lobes obtuse to subacute, margins and midribs thickened. Corolla white, up to 20 mm. long and diam.; tube > calyx; lower lip little > upper, lobes 5-8 mm. broad, emarginate. Anthers red-brown, margins hairy, awns us. unequal. Capsule < or = calyx, 5-6 × 3-4 mm., oval to oblong, glab.; seeds many, 1·5-2 mm. long.
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Perennial herb, sometimes arising from woody stock; stems ± woody at base, often prostrate; branches erect, 3-10 cm tall, ± evenly hairy. Lvs sessile, 3-5-(10) × 3-6 mm, obovate to obovate-cuneate or suborbicular, subequally 3-lobed at tip or with 3-5 crenate teeth, glabrous. Fls on short pedicels. Calyx 6-9 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, unevenly divided 1/4-1/2 way. Corolla white, to 20 mm long. Anthers reddish brown, margins hairy; awns usually unequal. Capsule < or = calyx, 5-6 × 3-4 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
scientific name
1 January 2000