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Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell

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(G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica

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Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell

Much-branched bushy shrub to 2 m. tall. Branchlets with short stiff crowded often retrorse hairs variously arranged; length of internodes 1-6 × diam. Lvs often turned to face ± in one direction, 2-4 cm. × 6-16 mm., often with gradual change of size along twig, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, sts obovate-oblong, inclined to be fleshy; lf-bud with broad and very distinctive sinus, bounded above by hairy lf-margin, on sides by glab. unwinged petioles and below by stiffly hairy stem; lamina keeled, the strong midrib slightly excurrent in glab. plicate-mucronate tip, the margins elsewhere white-pubescent, entire or sts minutely and closely crenulate in age. Infls lateral, simple, c. 4-14-fld, little > lvs; peduncle short. Bracts small, acute, ciliolate, pedicels elongating to 5-7 mm. in fr. Calyx-lobes 2.5-4 mm., broad-ovate, acute, ciliolate. Corolla white or bluish, tube not > calyx, broad, lobes widespreading, 4-8 × 4-8 mm., ± acute. Capsule erect, 6-9 × 4-5 mm., pointed.

Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell

2n = 40
n = 20
n = 20
n = 20

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Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell

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Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
Falkland Islands
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
New Zealand
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
3 January 2023
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