Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.

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Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. 34 (1786)
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda
Vernacular names
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Erect, ± spreading, up to c. 2 m. tall; branchlets densely to rather sparsely clad in long setose hairs and pubescence. Lvs on slender pubescent petioles up to c. 2 mm. long. Lamina coriac., glab or nearly so, (5)-7-10-(15) × (3)-6-10-(15) mm., suborbicular to broad-oblong to subovate, obtuse to subacute, apiculate; margins ± undulate, crenulate-denticulate to serrate; teeth minutely apiculate. Uppermost lvs sts so reduced that the infl. appears racemose. Fls solitary axillary, on pubescent bracteolate pedicels. Calyx deeply cut; lobes ovate-triangular, subacute to acute; corolla urceolate, lobes triangular, recurved. Fr. dry, surrounded by enlarged, ± fleshy, white to red or purplish calyx, up to c.10mm. diam.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
2n = 22
2n = 22, c. 22
n = 11
n = 11
2n = 22
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Usually an erect bushy shrub very variable in size and habit, reaching 2 metres under protection but frequently reduced to 25 cm in exposed situations. Branchlets more or less densely strigose, with or without a fine white pubescence. Leaves alternate, 8-15 × 6-12 mm, petiolate, orbicular, ovate, or elliptical, membraneous or thick, margins generally serrate, glabrous except for a fine pubescence along the upper surface of the midrib. Flowers solitary and axillary, very rarely crowded towards the tips of branch lets forming a leafy raceme. Pedicels up to 6 mm long or more, strigose and/or pubescent. Corolla seldom pubescent within. Fruit red, pink, or white, berry-like, 4-6 mm in diameter.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Erect or rather spreading shrub, usually 0.5-2 m high; branchlets densely to rather sparsely setose, often puberulent also. Lvs alternate; petioles slender, to c. 2 mm long. Lamina (5)-7-10-(20) × (3)-6-10- (20) mm, broadly elliptic-oblong or elliptic to orbicular, coriaceous, glabrous or nearly so; margins ± undulate, crenulate-denticulate to serrate; base cuneate to rounded; apex rounded, mucronulate, sometimes ± acute. Fls solitary, axillary, but uppermost lvs sometimes so reduced that fls appear racemosely arranged; pedicels glabrate to densely hairy; bracteoles 0.7-1.5 mm long, broadly ovate. Calyx lobes 1.5-2.5 mm long, ovate-triangular, subacute to acute. Corolla ± urceolate; tube 1.5-2.5 mm long; lobes triangular. Fr. 4-6 mm diam.; calyx ± fleshy, white to red or purplish.
Taxonomic concepts
Brossaea antipoda (G.Forst) Kuntze
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda var. erecta Cheeseman
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria antipoda var. fluviatilis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria epiphyta Colenso
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria erecta Banks & Sol. MSS. et Ic.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Gaultheria fluviatilis A.Cunn.
Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
27 January 2006