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Carex pterocarpa Petrie

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa
Lectotype: [selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 280, further restricted here to the plant labelled as plant 1] Mt. Pisa 5500–6000 ft., North from Cromwell w. side of Clutha Valley, D.P., WELT 21489

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Carex pterocarpa Petrie

Tufts squat, coarse-leaved, pale green, 2-7 cm high; rhizome short, woody. Stems almost hidden by dark brown leaf-sheaths. Inflorescence an ovate, brownish head ± 7 × 7 mm with 2-4 congested sessile spikes. Male flowers at tip of spike. Utricles ± papillose, winged. Stigmas 2.

Carex pterocarpa Petrie

Shortly rhizomatous; tufts squat, coarse-lvd, pale green, 2–7 cm. tall. Rhizome c. 2 mm. diam., woody, covered by fibrous remains of lf-sheaths. Culms 2–3–(5) cm. tall, < lvs and almost entirely hidden by lf-sheaths, triquetrous, scabrid; basal sheaths grey-brown or chestnut. Lvs 2–6 cm. × 1–3 mm., often almost distichously arranged, channelled, coriac., margins and keel minutely scabrid, tapering to a ± acute tip; sheaths dull brown, membr., ± = lamina in length. Infl. an ovate, triangular, brownish head, c. 7 × 7 mm., with 2–4 congested spikes, the lowermost rarely subtended by a lf-like bract. Spikes androgynous, 4–6 mm. long, male fls at top of spike, very rarely at base. Glumes ± = utricles, ovate, acute, membr., midrib short, green, keel of lowermost glumes occ. scabrid. Utricles c. 3 × 2 mm., plano-convex, elliptic-ovoid, ± papillose, nerved, dark brown with pale brown conspicuous wings, margins strongly scabrid; beak narrow, < 1 mm. long with a bifid oblique orifice; stipe very minute. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, biconvex, smooth, brown; styles persistent.

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Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex thomsonii Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
Carex thomsonii Petrie
Carex pterocarpa Petrie

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Carex pterocarpa Petrie
New Zealand
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex pterocarpa Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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Lectotype: [selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 280, further restricted here to the plant labelled as plant 1] Mt. Pisa 5500–6000 ft., North from Cromwell w. side of Clutha Valley, D.P., WELT 21489

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scientific name
1 January 2000
23 February 2025
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