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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman

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Threat status: Critical
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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl. 468 (1906)
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis

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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman

Rosette-lvs c. 4 × 1·5 cm., oblong-spathulate, petiole winged and c. = lamina-length, sheathing at base, tip obtuse, apiculate, sts down-curved to look emarginate; hairs fine and silky, spreading, crowded on upper surface, on undersurface similar but sparse and regularly retrorse. Lateral branches ascending to erect, 10-15 cm. long, lfless below cyme, lower internodes = or < lvs. Stem-lvs c. 18 × 6 mm., broadly lanceolate with subacute tip, sessile; hairs similar to those on upper surface of rosette-lvs, on undersurface sparser, on lower lvs only irregularly retrorse. Cymes us. simple, ebracteate, c. 12-fld, 3-4 cm. long, internodes short; pedicels up to 2 mm. long. Calyx c. 6 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, ± oblong and subacute; hairs on lobes silky and closely appressed, towards base longer ones spreading and slightly hooked, shorter retrorse. Corolla white, c. 10 mm. diam., tube c. 5 mm. long and cylindric to level of scales, then flaring widely; lobes c. 3·5 × 3·5 mm., rounded-triangular; filaments fixed between scales, reaching to base of corolla-lobes, anthers to 1·5 mm. long; style 2 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets not seen.

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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman

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Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Myosotis amabilis is regarded by many botanists as conspecific with M. saxosa (see Webb et al. 1988). Although we agree that it probably is conspecific with M. saxosa, the status of M. amabilis has not been formally tested (C. Lehnebach and H. Meudt pers. comm. 2012).

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scientific name
13 March 2002
17 September 2013
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