Connor, H.E. 1994: Indigenous New Zealand Triticeae: Gramineae. New Zealand Journal of Botany 32: 125–154.

Connor, H.E. 1994: Indigenous New Zealand Triticeae: Gramineae. New Zealand Journal of Botany 32: 125–154.
Taxonomic concepts
Agropyron scabrum var. tenue Buchanan
Agropyron tenue (Buchanan) Connor
Elymus ×wallii (Connor) Á.Löve & Connor
Elymus laevis (Petrie) A.Löve & Connor
Erect glaucous tussock from a narrow base, with intravaginal branching though sometimes rhizomatous; spikelets widely divergent from rachis, and anthesis occurring after complete spike emergence reveals long purple anthers. Leaf-sheath 7—10 cm, keeled, striate, becoming fibrous, glabrous or occasionally sparsely hairy or pubescent mixed wit h hairs 1 mm long; margins chartaceous. Ligule 0.3— 0.5 mm, ciliate. Collar thickened, short stiff hairy, occasionally glabrous, margin with hairs 1—1.5 mm long. Auricles 0.3—0.5 mm, clasping, or absent, long (1—2 mm) hairs occasional. Leaf-blade 20—30 cm × 2—4 mm, glaucous, flat, ridged, sometimes involute, abaxially glabrous, occasionally with hairs 1 mm long, adaxially with dense hairs at base; margin prickle-toothed or becoming so, occasionally with hairs 1 mm long below. Culm 50—100 cm, erect, nodes conspicuous black to red brown. Inflorescence 18—25 cm, stiff, of 3—7 widely divergent spikelets; margin sparsely antrorsely toothed or short hairy. Spikelets 30–50 mm, of 6–12 florets occasionally more. Glumes ± equal, 5–10 mm, 3 nerves, acute or becoming shortly awned, margin chartaceous and ciliate. Lemma 10–14 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth above and on margin below, keeled above, apex occasionally bifid, awn 22–45 mm, ± recurved or straight. Palea 6–13 mm, apex bifid. Rachilla 2–3 mm, short stiff hairy. Callus 0.75 mm, incompletely and shortly bearded. Lodicules 1– 2 .5 mm. Anthers 4–9 mm, usually purple often yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 2 mm; stigma-styles 2–3 mm. Caryopsis 7–10 mm; embryo 1.6–2 mm.
Small tufted or open, bronze flat-leaved grass rooting and shooting at nodes on stolons; culm slender an d drooping, inflorescence often hidden in tussocks; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath 6–8 cm, long hairs retrorse or erect or pubescent; lobed at apex. Ligule 0.5–0 .75 mm, erose, sometimes triangular. Collar slightly curved and thickened. Auricles small (0.75 mm), or minute. Leaf-blade 20 cm × 2–4 mm, flat, soft, abaxially densely retrorsely long hairy on and between nerves or glabrous, adaxially antrorsely prickle-toothed together with long hairs; margin prickle-toothed. Culm 25–80 cm, nodes few, ± geniculate below, internodes glabrous or very slightly scabrid; upper internode elongating after flowering, sometimes reaching 60 cm. Inflorescence 5–13 cm, compact, of 10–18 spikelets. Spikelets 10– 16 mm, shining, of 3–4 florets. Glumes ± equal, narrow, 6–9 mm, 1–3 nerved, scabrid, asymmetrically keeled, becoming awn-like, margin prickletoothed. Lemma 7–10 mm, > palea, glaucous, glabrous except for prickle teeth on nerves above; apex bifid; awn 1–3.5 mm; conspicuously indented at base. Palea 6–9 mm, keels toothed almost to base, apex shallowly bifid. Rachilla 1–2 mm, minutely stiff hairy. Callus 0.25 mm blunt, surrounded by minute hairs; disarticulation almost flat. Lodicules 1–1.25 mm, few apical hairs. Anthers 1.8–3 mm, yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 1 .5 mm; stigma-styles 2 – 2.25 mm. Caryopsis 6 mm; embryo 1 mm.
Small loosely hummock-forming low grass with short glaucous falcate or sinuous leaf-blades, and prostrate to ascending culms; branching intra- and extravaginal sometimes forming short stolons. Leafsheath 2–5 cm, striate, retrorsely pubescent or glabrous, sometimes with a few long hairs; becoming a short lobe at apex. Ligule 0.3–0.5 mm, erose or finely toothed. Collar thickened, curved, glabrous or short hairy, margins with hairs 1.5 mm long. Auricles absent or minute, with 1–2 long hairs. Leafblades 5–15 cm × 0.5–0.7 mm diam., ± terete, involute, keeled but only faintly ridged, falcate, sinuous or irregularly curled or ± straight, abaxially glaucous with scattered to abundant stiff erect or somewhat retrorse hairs 0.5–1 mm long, becoming glabrous, or pubescent below becoming glabrous, or glabrous throughout; adaxially with abundant 0.3 mm hairs or shorter hairs and/or prickle teeth; margin prickle-toothed or with hairs 0.5 mm long. Culms 10–35 cm, prostrate to ascending; internodes smooth, glaucous. Inflorescence 2–10 cm, of 1–4 spikelets; rachis margin often glabrous. Spikelets 40–50 mm, of 4–6 shining florets. Glumes ± equal, 4–9 mm, keeled, 3-nerved, sometimes becoming awned, glabrous, margin chartaceous. Lemma glabrous except for prickle teeth on keel above and on margins below extending into reflexed awn 30 – 50 mm; pruinose. Palea 7–10 mm, apex pointed, bifid. Rachilla 1.5–2 mm, short stiff hairy. Callus 0.75 mm, very shortly bearded, hairs ≤ callus. Lodicules 1.2–1.4 mm. Anthers 2.4–2.5 mm, yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2.5 mm. Caryopsis 6–6.5 mm; embryo 1 mm.
E. sacandro similis sed statura multo breviore, caespites prostratos faciens in mediterreis regionibus . Laminae saepe falcatae vel sinuosae, abaxialiter pilis sparsis, longis (c . 1 mm), erectis praeditae; adaxialiter pili longi adsunt tamen nullo modo congregatim in flocco denso ut in E . sacandro . Inflorescentia saepe plane brevis cum E. sacandro/E. solandri congruens.
Tufted many-noded stoloniferous open grass with scabrid wide green leaf-blades often shorter than smooth culms; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath 6–10 mm, ridged, striate, margin chartaceous, glabrous or retrorsely short hairy. Ligule 0.2–0.5 mm, erose. Collar curved, thickened, infrequently bearing long hairs. Auricles 0.5–1.5 mm, clasping, glabrous or bearing long hairs. Leaf-blades 10–20 cm × 2 – 4 mm, flat usually bright green but sometimes glaucous, abaxially shortly antrorsely scabrid or occasionally glabrous, adaxially with antrorse short hairs or prickle teeth on nerves or sometimes with longer hairs; margin shortly prickle-toothed. Culm 30–60 cm, often stout, scabrid below inflorescence, otherwise glabrous, nodes ± geniculate below; culm leaves often very broad. Inflorescence 10–25 cm, of 6–15 spikelets occasionally paired at base, rachis convex surface often sparsely prickle-toothed. Spikelets 14–25 mm, of 7–12 florets. Glumes ± equal, 5–9 mm, 3–5 nerved, eccentrically keeled, often broad, margins chartaceous, ciliate; keel and nerves prickle-toothed above elsewhere glabrous, sometimes produced into short awn. Lemma usuall y with small scattered prickle teeth above, glabrous below except on margin, apex often bifid when mucronate, awn absent or ± = lemma length, variable in one spikelet. Palea 9–12 mm, apex truncate or retuse, ciliate. Rachilla 1–2.5 mm, hairy. Callus 0.75–1 mm, incompletely shortly bearded. Lodicules 0.8–1.25 mm, simple, linear. Anthers 3–5 mm, purple or yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5–2 mm; stigma-styles 1.75 mm. Caryopsis 7–10 mm; embryo 1 mm.
Open coarsely hairy grass with long drooping inflorescences of many straight-awned spikelets; branching usually intravaginal but often extravaginal. Leafsheath to 10 cm, hirsute with erect or retrorse hairs 0.5–0.75 mm long. Ligule 0.1 mm, truncate. Collar recurved, glabrous except for 1–2 very long hairs especially near auricles. Auricles 0.5–1 mm, clasping, glabrous. Leaf-blade 18 cm × 1–4 mm, everywhere coarsely hirsute, occasionally rough with prickle teeth. Culms to 1 .5 m, decumbent below, drooping above at maturity, internodes usually smooth but occasionally rough, irregularly hairy below lower nodes. Inflorescence 10–20 cm, up to 10 spikelets, convex surfaces fairly scabrid. Spikelets 40–55 mm, of 5–10 florets often purple flecked. Glumes unequal, 4–10 mm, 3–5 nerves, irregularly long triangular, centrally keeled, margins membranous, ciliate at apex, becoming awned and sometimes scabrid above. Lemma glabrous below becoming prickle-toothed above, keeled above continuing into very scabrid straight awn 30–50 mm. Palea 9–11 mm, apex truncate to retuse. Rachilla 1.5–2.5 mm, hairs becoming long at apex. Callus 0.75 mm, surrounded by long hairs > callus. Lodicules 1–1.25 mm. Anthers 1.8–2 .3 mm, yellow or purple streaked. Gynoecium: ovary 1.25 mm; stigma-styles to 2.5 mm. Caryopsis 6–6.5 mm; embryo 1–1.2 mm.
Tufted or open branched with long, stout, manynoded shoots; branching intra- and extravaginal and shooting and rooting at nodes; prophyll keels hairy. Leaf-sheath 3-12 cm, abaxially ridged, glabrous, adaxially with minute prickles, margins membranous often terminated by small lobe. Ligule 0.2-0.3 mm, united to leaf-sheath margins. Collar thickened, curved, usually sparsely villous. Auricles usually absent but often 1 small (0.25 mm) or 1 large (1 mm) and clasping, occasionally with 1-2 long hairs. Leafblade 10-80 cm × 0.5-0.7 mm diam., filiform, abaxially glaucous, ridged, adaxially and on margin with dense weft of 1 mm long hairs at base, often projecting, becoming shorter and less dense above. Culm 15-40 cm, erect. Inflorescence 5-20 cm, of up to 8 spikelets. Spikelets 40-60 mm, of 6-8 florets. Glumes unequal, usually produced into prickletoothed awn up to 3 mm; lower 4.5-6.5 mm, 3-5 nerved, upper 7-11 mm, 5-7 nerved. Lemma with central nerve prominent and extending into recurved awn 25-60 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth at base of awn and on margins. Palea 10-11.5 mm apex pointed and bifid. Rachilla 2-3 mm hairy. Callus 1- 1.5 mm heavily bearded, hairs 1.5-2.5 mm callus. Lodicules 1.5-2 mm. Anthers 3.8-5.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2.5- 3.5 mm. Caryopsis to 6 mm; embryo 1.4-1.5 mm.
E . solandri propinquus sed differt laminis teretibus involutis exauriculatis adaxialiter conspicuis pilis densis longis basi velatis . Inflorescentiae E. solandri congruentes.
Open glaucous grass, prostrate to decumbent to ascending, erect, stoloniferous or tufted, intra- and extravaginally branching, rooting and shooting at nodes, leaf-blades flat to inrolled. Leaf-sheath to 5 cm, keeled, pubescent especially when young, hairy or glabrous, becoming fibrous. Ligule to 0.5 mm, truncate. Collar thickened, recurved, hairs dense and 0.75 mm long or short and sparse; occasionally with long hairs on margin. Auricles 1– 1.5 mm, clasping, hairs 1–1.5 mm long. Leaf-blades 21 cm × 2–4 mm, glaucous, flat or folded or inrolling, abaxially ridged, occasionally with some long retrorse hairs, adaxially with short hairs or prickles on nerves, some long hairs forming a weft at base becoming short above; margin involute, glabrous or faintly toothed. Culm 40–100 cm, prostrate, erect or ascending. Inflorescence 8–20 cm, of 3–15 spikelets. Spikelets 25–80 mm, of 4–10 florets. Glumes unequal, keeled, margins membranous, sometimes produced to a point or becoming awned, prickle-toothed above, lower 3-11 mm, 3-nerved, upper 5–12 mm, 3–5 nerved. Lemma with central nerve prominent and extending into recurved awn 35–75 mm, glabrous except for a few prickle teeth on nerves below awn and along margins, sometimes toothed at apex. Palea 9.5-12 mm, apex pointed and bifid. Rachilla 1.5–3 mm, shortly stiff hairy. Callus 0.75 mm, hairs just reaching lemma. Lodicules 1.25–1.5 mm, ligulate. Anthers 3–5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2.5–3 mm. Caryopsis to 6.5 mm, embryo 1.5 mm.
Prostrate flat, bronze-leaved stoloniferous ope n grass, rooting and shooting from nodes on stolons; branching extravaginal; upper culm internode greatly elongating after anthesis and the long weak culm trails along the ground. Leaf-sheath 5–7 cm, glabrous or sometimes retrorsely pilose. Ligule 0.25–0.3 mm, very finely ciliate. Collar glabrous, curved and thickened. Auricles ± 1 mm or smaller, clasping, with 1–2 long hairs. Leaf-blade 10–15 cm × 2 mm, bronzed, flat sometimes ± involute, abaxially glabrous, smooth, nerves evident, adaxially with short antrorse prickle teeth; margins prickle-toothed. Culm to 2 m, slender, trailing along ground, upper internode elongating after flowering sometimes reaching 1.5 m. Inflorescence 10–15 cm, of up to 15 spikelets. Spikelets 25–40 mm, of 6–8 florets. Glumes 9–15 mm, produced into barbed awn up to 3 mm, 3-nerved, keeled; margins shortly toothed. Lemma 6–10 mm, glabrous except for prickles on central nerve, near bifid apex and on margins below; awn 15–35 mm. Palea 7–10 mm, apex pointed and bifid. Rachilla 1.5–2.5 mm short hairy. Callus 0.5 mm, shortly hair surrounded. Lodicules 1.5– 1.7 mm, linear, irregularly hair tipped. Anthers 2– 3 mm, yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 1.25–1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2–2.5 mm. Caryopsis 4.5–5 mm, embryo 1 mm.
Tall robust perennial stoloniferous grass with loosely open to compact shoots of flat leaves, and a long nodding narrow inflorescence. Leaf-sheath 5—10 cm, keeled, frequently densely pubescent with short and long hairs, sometimes glabrous; becoming fibrous. Auricles 0.5—0.7 mm, scarcely clasping, very occasionally with 1—2 long hairs. Ligule 0.25—0.5 mm, very faintly erose. Leaf-blades 10—30 cm × 1— 2 .5 mm, flat, thin, both surfaces with abundant small prickle teeth on nerves, very occasionally with hairs 0.5 mm long between nerves abaxially and sometimes near ligule; margin prickle-toothed. Culm stout 40—100 cm, internodes glabrous, shining; nodes sometimes geniculate below. Inflorescence slender, nodding, 10—20 cm, of 20—30 spikelets > intemodes; rachis prolongation 2—6 mm. Spikelets to 15 mm, of 1—3 florets, shining. Glumes 2, 5—10 mm, equal, narrow canaliculate below soon becoming awn-like, prickle-toothed, closely appressed to floret above, < spikelet. Lemma 8—10 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth below awn and near callus, sometime pruinose, infrequently bifid at apex; scabrid awn 5 - 6.5 mm. Palea 8—10 mm, lemma; apex produced or retuse, ciliate; keels toothed. Callus short, surrounded by short stiff hairs; disarticulation flat. Rachilla 1.8—2 mm, with abundant stiff hairs; prolongation 3—3.5 mm. Lodicules 0.7—0.8 mm. Anthers 3—3.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.75—1 mm stigma-styles to 2.5 mm. Caryopsis 5—5.5 mm; embryo 1—1.5 mm.
S. laevi similis sed ab ea distinguenda lemmate semper longe aristato ex apice plerumque integro, differt praeterea producto vel retuso paleae apice.
Perennial stoloniferous grass forming open, wide, and flat-leaved patches with narrow nodding inflorescences; often quite stout in forests. Leafsheath 5–15 cm, with long hairs (0.5–1 mm) irregularly retrorse or erect, occasionally few or glabrous. Auricles to 0.5 mm or minute, scarcely clasping. Ligule 0.3–1 mm, erose. Leaf-blade 10– 20 cm × 1 .5–2 mm, flat, thin, both surfaces usually with hairs 0.5–1 mm long or with sparse short prickle teeth adaxially and glabrous abaxially; margins glabrous. Culm 70–100 cm, slender, glabrous and smooth, nodes evident sometimes ± geniculate. Inflorescence slender, narrow, 10–20 cm, of 15–3 0 spikelets > internodes; internodes 2–5 mm but longer at base; rachis prolongation 2–6 mm. Spikelets to 10 mm, of 1–2–3 florets, on 1–1 .5 mm stipes in the absence of glumes. Glumes usually 0, sometimes 1 or 2 and awn-like, 0–2–3 mm, very occasionally 5 – 6 mm above, 1-nerved, prickle-toothed, <<spikelets. Lemma 7–10 mm, prickle teeth abundant, weakly keeled, infrequently bifid at apex, canaliculate abov e and tapering to awn 1.5–6 mm. Palea 5–7 mm, < lemma, apex usually produced but sometimes retuse; keels toothed and usually inrolled. Callus short, 0.5 mm, surrounded by abundant short stiff hairs; disarticulation ± oblique. Rachilla 1.5–2.5 mm, shortly prickle-toothed; prolongation 1.5–3 mm, conspicuously short stiff hairy. Lodicules 0.75– 1 mm. Anthers 1.5–2 mm, often retained on apex of caryopsis. Gynoecium: ovary 1.25–1.4 mm; stigma-styles 1.5–2 mm. Caryopsis 4–4.25 mm; embryo 1– 1.2 mm.
Perennial grass with long stolons, rooting and shooting at nodes, inflorescences narrow and nodding or drooping on long slender culms. A species of grasslands. Leaf-sheath 5–10 cm, with retrorse hairs 0.5 mm long, or glabrous; keeled. Auricles absent or minute, 0.15–0.25 mm long, scarcely clasping. Ligule 0.5–1 mm, lacerate; prominent. Leaf-blade 15–25 cm × 1.5–2 mm, flat, thin, abaxially with distinct midrib, glabrous or occasionally with hairs 1 mm long beside nerves or shortly retrorse prickle-toothed, adaxially with prickle teeth on nerves occasionally with hairs 0.5 mm long; margin glabrous or shortly toothed. Culm 50–75 cm, glabrous, slender, nodes inconspicuous. Inflorescence very narrow, slender, 8–15 cm, of 10–25 spikelets > internodes; internodes 2.5–6 mm below; rachis prolongation 3–6 mm. Spikelets 8–12 mm, of 1–2 florets, appearing shortly stipitate above glumes. Glumes 2, awnlike, 2–6 mm, ± equal, > internodes, 1-nerved, prickle-toothed on keel and margins, < spikelet. Lemma 6 .5–8 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth towards bifid apex and evident on lateral nerves in upper half; keel ± prominent; scabrid awn 0.5–1 mm. Palea 6.5–7 mm, ≤ lemma; apex bifid; keels shortly toothed and inrolled. Callus 0 .5–0.75 mm, flat, almost glabrous; disarticulation almost flat. Rachilla to 1.3 mm if 2-flowered, shortly prickle-toothed; if 1-flowered rachilla prolongation 3–4 mm, shortly prickle-toothed. Lodicules 0.75–1.75 mm, lobed or entire. Anthers 1.6–2.6 mm, often retained on apex of caryopsis. Gynoecium: ovary 1–2 mm; stigma-styles 1 .75–2.25 mm. Caryopsis 4 mm; embryo 1–1.3.
Spikelets solitary, sessile at nodes, edgewise to sinuous antrorsely toothed rachis, appressed, imbricate, in narrow slender spikes of 10 – 30 spikelets with 1–3 awned to mucronate florets disarticulating above glumes; glumes parallel to rachis, scabrid, aristate > rachis internodes, or absent or reduced to small stumps; rachis prolonged. A flat, thin and hairy stoloniferous grass with extravaginal branching, and with long graceful smooth culms with drooping or nodding inflorescences.
Identification keys
Key to genera
Spikelet shortly pedicelled; inflorescence a spike-like raceme; rachis prolongation present
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to species
Leaf-blades usually glaucous and glabrous abaxially; awn recurved; palea apex pointed, bifid
Leaf-blades coarsely hirsute; awn straight, rarely recurved; palea apex blunt, truncate to retuse
Leaf-blades short, variously falcate, sinuous, or straight, abaxially glaucous usually with scattered erect long (1 mm) hairs; culms prostrate to ascending
Leaf-blades long thin and strict, abaxially ridged, glabrous and glaucous, adaxially with dense weft of hairs at base; culms erect
Culm trailing along ground, uppermost internode greatly elongating after flowering; spikelets appressed to rachis; anthers 2 3 mm, yellow
Culm erect, uppermost internode short; spikelets widely divergent from rachis; anthers 4—9 mm, purple to yellow
Inflorescence of long, widely spaced, many-flowered spikelets; palea apex blunt, truncate to retuse; lemma apex bifid if mucronate
Inflorescence of small, close-set, few-flowered shining spikelets; palea apex pointed, bifid; lemma apex bifid
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to specie s
Glumes absent or minute or very occasionally awn-like and mixed in inflorescence; lemma conspicuously prickle-toothed
Glumes awn-like, ≥ rachis internodes; lemma glabrous except below awn, occasionally sparsely prickle-toothed elsewhere
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Agropyron aristatum Cheeseman
- Agropyron scabrum var. tenue Buchanan
- Agropyron tenue (Buchanan) Connor
- Asprella laevis Petrie
- Cockaynea laevis (Petrie) Zotov
- Elymus ×wallii (Connor) Á.Löve & Connor
- Elymus apricus Á.Löve & Connor
- Elymus enysii (Kirk) Á.Löve & Connor
- Elymus falcis Connor
- Elymus laevis (Petrie) A.Löve & Connor
- Elymus multiflorus (Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.) Á.Löve & Connor
- Elymus rectisetus (Nees) Á.Löve & Connor
- Elymus sacandros Connor
- Elymus scaber (R.Br.) Á.Löve
- Elymus solandri (Steud.) Connor
- Elymus tenuis (Buchanan) Á.Löve & Connor
- Hystrix laevis (Petrie) Allan
- Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
- Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
- Stenostachys laevis (Petrie) Connor
- Stenostachys Turcz.