Stenostachys deceptorix Connor

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Stenostachys deceptorix Connor, New Zealand J. Bot. 32: 144 (1994)
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Tall robust perennial stoloniferous grass with loosely open to compact shoots of flat leaves, and a long nodding narrow inflorescence. Leaf-sheath 5—10 cm, keeled, frequently densely pubescent with short and long hairs, sometimes glabrous; becoming fibrous. Auricles 0.5—0.7 mm, scarcely clasping, very occasionally with 1—2 long hairs. Ligule 0.25—0.5 mm, very faintly erose. Leaf-blades 10—30 cm × 1— 2 .5 mm, flat, thin, both surfaces with abundant small prickle teeth on nerves, very occasionally with hairs 0.5 mm long between nerves abaxially and sometimes near ligule; margin prickle-toothed. Culm stout 40—100 cm, internodes glabrous, shining; nodes sometimes geniculate below. Inflorescence slender, nodding, 10—20 cm, of 20—30 spikelets > intemodes; rachis prolongation 2—6 mm. Spikelets to 15 mm, of 1—3 florets, shining. Glumes 2, 5—10 mm, equal, narrow canaliculate below soon becoming awn-like, prickle-toothed, closely appressed to floret above, < spikelet. Lemma 8—10 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth below awn and near callus, sometime pruinose, infrequently bifid at apex; scabrid awn 5 - 6.5 mm. Palea 8—10 mm, lemma; apex produced or retuse, ciliate; keels toothed. Callus short, surrounded by short stiff hairs; disarticulation flat. Rachilla 1.8—2 mm, with abundant stiff hairs; prolongation 3—3.5 mm. Lodicules 0.7—0.8 mm. Anthers 3—3.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.75—1 mm stigma-styles to 2.5 mm. Caryopsis 5—5.5 mm; embryo 1—1.5 mm.
S. laevi similis sed ab ea distinguenda lemmate semper longe aristato ex apice plerumque integro, differt praeterea producto vel retuso paleae apice.
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
2n = 28
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Tall robust perennial stoloniferous grass with loosely open to compact shoots of flat leaves, and a long nodding narrow inflorescence. Leaf-sheath 5-10 cm, keeled, frequently densely pubescent with short and long hairs, sometimes glabrous; becoming fibrous. Auricles 0.5-0.7 mm, scarcely clasping, very occasionally 1-2 long hairs. Ligule 0.25-0.5 mm, very faintly erose. Leaf-blade 10-30 cm × 1-2.5 mm, flat, thin, with abundant small prickle-teeth on ribs, very occasionally with hairs 0.5 mm between ribs abaxially and sometimes near ligule; margin prickle-toothed. Culm stout 40-190 cm, internodes glabrous, shining; nodes sometimes geniculate. Inflorescence slender, nodding, 10-20 cm, of 20-30 spikelets > internodes; rachis prolongation 2-6 mm. Spikelets to 15 mm, of 1-3 florets, shining; rachilla prolongation 3-3.5 mm. Glumes 2, 5-10 mm, equal, narrow canaliculate below soon becoming awn-like, prickle-toothed, closely appressed to floret above, < spikelet. Lemma 8-10 mm, smooth except for prickle-teeth below awn and near callus, sometimes pruinose, infrequently bifid at apex; scabrid awn 5-6.5 mm. Palea 8-10 mm, ≥ lemma; apex produced or retuse, ciliate; keels toothed. Callus short, surrounded by short stiff hairs; disarticulation flat. Rachilla 1.8-2 mm, with abundant stiff hairs. Lodicules 0.7-0.8 mm. Anthers 3-3.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.75-1 mm; stigma-styles to 2.5 mm. Caryopsis 5-5.5 mm; embryo 1-1.5 mm. Chasmogamous or cleistogamous.
Taxonomic concepts
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Stenostachys deceptorix Connor
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
9 August 2005