Elymus sacandros Connor

Elymus sacandros Connor, New Zealand J. Bot. 32: 138 (1994)
Elymus sacandros Connor
Elymus sacandros
Elymus sacandros Connor
Tufted or open branched with long, stout, manynoded shoots; branching intra- and extravaginal and shooting and rooting at nodes; prophyll keels hairy. Leaf-sheath 3-12 cm, abaxially ridged, glabrous, adaxially with minute prickles, margins membranous often terminated by small lobe. Ligule 0.2-0.3 mm, united to leaf-sheath margins. Collar thickened, curved, usually sparsely villous. Auricles usually absent but often 1 small (0.25 mm) or 1 large (1 mm) and clasping, occasionally with 1-2 long hairs. Leafblade 10-80 cm × 0.5-0.7 mm diam., filiform, abaxially glaucous, ridged, adaxially and on margin with dense weft of 1 mm long hairs at base, often projecting, becoming shorter and less dense above. Culm 15-40 cm, erect. Inflorescence 5-20 cm, of up to 8 spikelets. Spikelets 40-60 mm, of 6-8 florets. Glumes unequal, usually produced into prickletoothed awn up to 3 mm; lower 4.5-6.5 mm, 3-5 nerved, upper 7-11 mm, 5-7 nerved. Lemma with central nerve prominent and extending into recurved awn 25-60 mm, glabrous except for prickle teeth at base of awn and on margins. Palea 10-11.5 mm apex pointed and bifid. Rachilla 2-3 mm hairy. Callus 1- 1.5 mm heavily bearded, hairs 1.5-2.5 mm callus. Lodicules 1.5-2 mm. Anthers 3.8-5.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2.5- 3.5 mm. Caryopsis to 6 mm; embryo 1.4-1.5 mm.
E . solandri propinquus sed differt laminis teretibus involutis exauriculatis adaxialiter conspicuis pilis densis longis basi velatis . Inflorescentiae E. solandri congruentes.
Elymus sacandros Connor
2n = 42
Elymus sacandros Connor
Tufted or open branched with long, stout, many-noded shoots; branching intra- and extravaginal and shooting and rooting at nodes; prophyll keels hairy. Leaf-sheath 3-12 cm, abaxially striate, glabrous, adaxially with minute prickles, margins membranous often terminated by small lobe. Ligule 0.2-0.3 mm, united to leaf-sheath margins. Collar thickened, curved, usually sparsely villous. Auricles usually absent but often 1 small (0.25 mm) or 1 large (1 mm) and clasping, occasionally with 1-2 long hairs. Leaf-blade 10-80 cm × 0.5-0.7 mm diam., filiform, abaxially glaucous, ribbed, adaxially and on margin with dense weft of 1 mm hairs at base, often projecting, becoming shorter and less dense above. Culm 15-40 cm, erect, internodes glabrous. Inflorescence 5-20 cm, of up to 8 spikelets. Spikelets 40-60 mm, of 6-8 florets. Glumes unequal, usually produced into prickle-toothed awn up to 3 mm; lower 4.5-6.5 mm, 3-5-nerved, upper 7-11 mm, 5-7-nerved. Lemma with central nerve prominent and extending into recurved awn 25-60 mm, smooth except for prickle-teeth at base of awn and on margins. Palea 10-11.5 mm, apex pointed and bifid. Rachilla 2-3 mm, hairy. Callus 1-1.5 mm heavily bearded, hairs 1.5-2.5 mm ≥ callus. Lodicules 1.5-2 mm. Anthers 3.8-5.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 1.5 mm; stigma-styles 2.5-3.5 mm. Caryopsis to 6 mm; embryo 1.4-1.5 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Elymus sacandros Connor
Elymus sacandros Connor
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
11 July 2011