Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor

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Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor, New Zealand J. Bot. 32: 146 (1994)
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
(Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Perennial stoloniferous grass forming open, wide, and flat-leaved patches with narrow nodding inflorescences; often quite stout in forests. Leafsheath 5–15 cm, with long hairs (0.5–1 mm) irregularly retrorse or erect, occasionally few or glabrous. Auricles to 0.5 mm or minute, scarcely clasping. Ligule 0.3–1 mm, erose. Leaf-blade 10– 20 cm × 1 .5–2 mm, flat, thin, both surfaces usually with hairs 0.5–1 mm long or with sparse short prickle teeth adaxially and glabrous abaxially; margins glabrous. Culm 70–100 cm, slender, glabrous and smooth, nodes evident sometimes ± geniculate. Inflorescence slender, narrow, 10–20 cm, of 15–3 0 spikelets > internodes; internodes 2–5 mm but longer at base; rachis prolongation 2–6 mm. Spikelets to 10 mm, of 1–2–3 florets, on 1–1 .5 mm stipes in the absence of glumes. Glumes usually 0, sometimes 1 or 2 and awn-like, 0–2–3 mm, very occasionally 5 – 6 mm above, 1-nerved, prickle-toothed, <<spikelets. Lemma 7–10 mm, prickle teeth abundant, weakly keeled, infrequently bifid at apex, canaliculate abov e and tapering to awn 1.5–6 mm. Palea 5–7 mm, < lemma, apex usually produced but sometimes retuse; keels toothed and usually inrolled. Callus short, 0.5 mm, surrounded by abundant short stiff hairs; disarticulation ± oblique. Rachilla 1.5–2.5 mm, shortly prickle-toothed; prolongation 1.5–3 mm, conspicuously short stiff hairy. Lodicules 0.75– 1 mm. Anthers 1.5–2 mm, often retained on apex of caryopsis. Gynoecium: ovary 1.25–1.4 mm; stigma-styles 1.5–2 mm. Caryopsis 4–4.25 mm; embryo 1– 1.2 mm.
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
2n = 28
2n = 28
n = 14
2n = 28
2n = 28
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Perennial stoloniferous grass forming open, wide and flat- leaved patches with narrow nodding inflorescences; often quite stout in forests. Leaf-sheath 5-15 cm, with long (0.5-1 mm) hairs irregularly retrorse or erect, occasionally few or glabrous. Auricles to 0.5 mm or minute, scarcely clasping. Ligule 0.3-1 mm, erose. Leaf-blade 10-20 cm × 1.5-2 mm, flat, thin, usually with hairs 0.5-1 mm or with sparse short prickle-teeth adaxially and glabrous abaxially; margins glabrous. Culm 70-100 cm, slender, nodes evident sometimes ± geniculate, internodes glabrous. Inflorescence slender, narrow, 10-20 cm, of 15-30 spikelets > internodes; internodes 2-5 mm but longer at base; rachis prolongation 2-6 mm. Spikelets to 10 mm, of 1-2-3 florets, on 1-1.5 mm stipes in the absence of glumes; rachilla prolongation 1.5-3 mm, conspicuously short stiff hairy. Glumes usually 0, sometimes 1 or 2 and awn-like, 0-2-3 mm, very occasionally 5-6 mm above, 1-nerved, prickle-toothed, « spikelets. Lemma 7-10 mm, prickle-teeth abundant, weakly keeled, infrequently bifid at apex, canaliculate above and tapering to awn 1.5-6 mm. Palea 5-7 mm, < lemma, apex usually produced but sometimes retuse; keels toothed and usually inrolled. Callus short, 0.5 mm, surrounded by abundant short stiff hairs; disarticulation ± oblique. Rachilla 1.5-2.5 mm, shortly prickle-toothed. Lodicules 0.75-1 mm. Anthers 1.5-2 mm, often retained on apex of caryopsis. Gynoecium: ovary 1.25-1.4 mm; stigma-styles 1.5-2 mm. Caryopsis 4-4.25 mm; embryo 1-1.2 mm. Chasmogamous and commonly cleistogamous. 2n= 28.
Taxonomic concepts
Agropyron subeglume P.Candargy
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Asprella gracilis (Hook.f.) Kirk
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Cockaynea gracilis (Hook.f.) Zotov
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Elymus narduroides (Turcz.) A.Löve & Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Gymnostichum gracile Hook.f.
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Hystrix gracilis (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys narduroides Turcz.
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
31 August 2011