Brown, R. 1903 ("1902"): On the Musci of the calcareous districts of New Zealand, with descriptions of new species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 35: 323–342.

Brown, R. 1903 ("1902"): On the Musci of the calcareous districts of New Zealand, with descriptions of new species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 35: 323–342.
Cited scientific names
- Blindia theriotii R.Br.bis
- Bryum barrii R.Br.bis
- Bryum foresteri R.Br.bis
- Bryum whittonii R.Br.bis
- Dicranum cardotii R.Br.bis
- Dicranum kowaiense R.Br.bis
- Dicranum waimakaririense R.Br.bis
- Grimmia barrii R.Br.bis
- Grimmia kaikouraensis R.Br.bis
- Grimmia oamaruense R.Br.bis
- Grimmia turneri R.Br.bis
- Gymnostomum gibsonii R.Br. bis
- Gymnostomum parisii R.Br.bis
- Gymnostomum salmonii R.Br.bis
- Orthotrichum beckettii R.Br.bis
- Orthotrichum oamaruanum R.Br.bis
- Orthotrichum oamaruense R.Br.bis
- Orthotrichum otiraense R.Br.bis
- Tortula arida R.Br.bis
- Tortula hutchinsonii R.Br.bis
- Tortula oamaruana R.Br.bis
- Trichostomum kanieriense R.Br.bis
20 May 2014