Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
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Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 7 1258 (1924)
Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
Hypocrea colensoi
Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
Taranaki. Mt. Egmont, April 1946, J.M.D. Wellington. Tararua Ra., Gable End Ridge, November 1932, E.E.Chamberlain.
Stroma discoidal, occasionally pulvinate, 2.5-7 mm. diameter, 1-2 mm. thick, scattered or caespitose, often distorted by mutual pressure, ochraceous, occasionally rust coloured when dried, punctate with dark coloured ostioles, margins free, undulate, sometimes thickened, centrally attached to host, outer layer of tissue pseudoparenchymatous, cells 5-10 µ diameter, lightly pigmented yellow, inner tissue prosenchymatous, hyphae loosely aggregated, 5-7.5 µ diameter, hyaline, thin walled. Perithecia oval, sometimes globose, 0-5 x 0.2-0.5 mm., crowded in superficial pigmented zone, ostiole 50-70 µ, papillate, perithecial wall 5-10 µ thick, pigmented yellow, distinct. Asci cylindrical, 60-100 x 4 µ, with 16 unicellular part-spores; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Spores globose or cuboid, 3.5-4 µ, ovate or oblong when 5-5.5 x 3.5-4 µ, hyaline, thin walled, finely echinulate.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On rotten wood.
Material forwarded by Colenso from Waipawa was determined by M.C.Cooke as H. saccharina Berk. and Curt.; but one collection labelled b982 was separated by Lloyd (1924) as the type of his H. colensoi.
The fleshy, golden yellow stroma with thick margins separates this species from H. schweinitzii. Spores are cuboid or oval, unequally divided by the septa and are larger than in the preceding species. Sometimes the centrally attached stroma has the appearance of being portly pedicellated.
Type Locality: Waipawa, Hawkes Bay.
Hypocrea colensoi Lloyd 1924
The type of Lloyd's species is filed in Kew herbarium under H. saccharina Berk. & Curt. (Colenso b. 982). Lloyd noted that the species was similar to H. rufa in colour and spore size, but that the stroma was larger and differently attached. The type collection now consists of a few immature stromata which suggest H. semiorbis Berk. Collections recorded under H. colensoi by Dingley (1952a) are misdeterminations of a species described herein as H. egmontensis.
Taxonomic concepts
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Identification keys
Colenso (b. 962) New Zealand (1885), holotype K(M) ?, isotype PDD 77772
scientific name
6 December 2001