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Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée

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Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée, Essai Crypt. Écorc., Suppl 79 (1837)
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Fée) Fée
Pyrenula quassiaecola
Pyrenula quassiicola

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Thallus corticate, continuous, olive-green to yellowish-green or buff, matt or shining, dimpled, minutely plicate in parts, rarely irregularly cracked. Perithecia immersed, scattered, solitary, visible as hemispherical dimples entirely covered by cortex. Ostiole pale, apical, punctiform. Perithecial cavity 0.2-1.0 mm wide, involucrellum 20-60 µm thick, carbonised. Ascospores ovoid to broadly ellipsoid with pointed ends, ± lemon-shaped, 4-locular, the central two locules largest, rounded, (20-)22.1-26 × 10.2-12(-14) µm. Chemistry: Yellow pigment UV+ quench.
Thallus epiphloeodal, dark olivaceous, brown or olive-green, smooth, matt, or slightly shining, irregularly cracked, in darkish bands or patches, 2-8 cm diam., not delimited at margins. Perithecia numerous, prominent, scattered, emergent, flat, scarcely raised above surface, discrete to 4-6-confluent, ± flattened-applanate, subconical centrally, rarely or never subglobose, round to irregular, 0.5-2.5 mm diam., black, matt. Ostioles gaping, 0.1-1.0 mm diam., often with radiating cracks. Ascospores broadly ovoid with rounded ends, 4- locular, (18.7-)22.1-23.8(-25.5) × (8.3-)10.2-11.9 µm. Chemistry: TLC-.

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Pyrenula crassescens (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Pyrenula homalisma (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Pyrenula quassiaecola (Fée) Fée
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Stigmatidium confluens C.Knight
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Stigmatidium prominulum C.Knight
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Verrucaria crassescens Stirt.
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Verrucaria glabrata var. homalisma C.Knight
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Verrucaria quassiaecola Fée
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
Verrucaria subpunctella Nyl.
Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Pyrenula quassiicola (Fée) Fée
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
20 September 2013
3 February 2022
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