Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
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Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. in Gryzenhout et al., Taxon 54 1018 (2005)
Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
NZ holotype (PDD 20056)
Amphilogia major
has host
Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Additional material examined. — New Zealand. Westland: Pukekura, Elaeocarpus dentatus, 1954, J. M. Dingley (PDD 28490).
Ascostromata gregarious on bark, often confluent, pulvinate to tuberculate, erumpent, slightly immersed to superficial (Fig. 4A, B, 5A, B), 1600–1750 μm high, 1050–3050 μm diam., orange, well-developed stromatic tissue (Fig. 4C), prosenchyma at the center, pseudoparenchyma at the edges, orange. Perithecia surrounded with fungal tissue or with bases touching the host tissue, diatrypoid, base globose to sub-globose (Fig. 4B, 5B), 330–660 μm diam., walls black, 13–25 μm thick, up to 25 perithecia in a stroma. Perithecial necks periphysate, black, slender (Fig. 4B, 5B), 170–260 μm wide, breaking through the stromatal surface as papillae or long cylindrical beaks which are covered with orange tissue (Fig. 4A, B, 5A); protruding necks up to 460 μm long, 140–510 μm wide. Asci (47–)57.5–77(–87.5) x (7.5–)9–11(–12) μm, fusoid, floating freely in the perithecial cavity, stipitate only when immature, unitunicate with non-amyloid, refractice apical ring, 8-spored, biseriate or uniseriate (Fig. 4D, 5C). Ascospores (10.5–)11.5–14(–15.5) x (4.5–)5–6(–6.5) μm, oval, hyaline, containing one to three irregularly spaced septa (Fig. 4E, 5C). Conidiomata separate (Fig. 4F, 5D) or on top of ascostromata (Fig. 4F, 5A), also appearing as locules inside ascostromata (Fig. 4B, 5B), individual conidiomata unilocular (Fig. 4G, 5E), 240–820 μm high, 260–500 μm diam., orange, superficial, conical to pyriform, conidiomatal tissue pseudoparenchymatous. Conidiophores (4.5–)8.5–19.5(–32.5) μm long, branched irregularly, cells delimited by septa or not, hyaline (Fig. 4I–J, 5F). Conidiogenous cells phialidic, determinate, apical or lateral on branches arising beneath a septum, cylindrical to flask-shaped with attenuated apices, (1–)1.5–2.5(–3) μm wide, colarette and periclinal thickening inconspicuous (Fig. 4I, J, 5F). Conidia (3–)3.5–7.5(–12) x (1–)1.5–2 (–2.5) μm, non-septate, oblong to slightly curved, hyaline (Fig. 4K, L, 5F). No cultures are available for this fungus.
Distribution. — New Zealand.
Host. — Roots of Elaeocarpus hookerianus and E. dentatus.
Ascostromata pulvinata vel tuberculata, erumpentia, partim immersa in pulvino stromatico bene evoluto aurantiaco. Perithecia textura stromatica circumdata vel basi hospitem tangentia, globosa vel subglobosa, parietibus nigris. Colla peritheciorum periphysata, nigra, tenuia, per superficiem stromatis ut papillae vel rostra longa cylindrica textura aurantiaca tecta erumpentia. Asci fusoidei, solum immaturi stipitati, unitunicati, annulo apicali non amyloideo, refractivo, octospori, biseriati vel uniseriati. Ascosporae ovales, hyalinae, uno vel tribus septis irregulariter dispositis divisae. Conidiomata discreta vel ascostromati insidentia, etiam ut loculi in ascostromate videntur, conidiomata singula unilocularia, aurantiaca, superficialia, conica vel pyriformia. Conidiophora irregulariter ramosa, septata an non, hyalina. Cellulae conidiogenae phialidicae, cylindricae vel ampulliformes apicibus attenuatis, collari incrassationeque periclinali inconspicuis. Conidia non septata, oblonga vel subfalcata, hyalina.
Etymology. — Latin major, greater, pointing to the ascospores that are larger than those of A. gyrosa.
Holotype: New Zealand. Fiordland: Lake Manapouri, Elaeocarpus hookerianus, 1948, J. M. Dingley (PDD 20056!).
Taxonomic concepts
Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Amphilogia major Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. (2005)
Global name resources
New Zealand. Fiordland: Lake Manapouri, Elaeocarpus hookerianus, 1948, J. M. Dingley, Holotype PDD 20056.
scientific name
3 October 2006
25 August 2017