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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor (1991)
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

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New Zealand
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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta

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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

Short, stout, robust tussock. Sheath to 12 cm, sometimes purpled, usually with many short internerve hairs. Ligule to 0.5 mm. Lamina 30 cm × 6 mm, drawn out into long tapering, twisting or curling, pointed apex; adaxially with few prickle teeth near ligule. Culms to 65 cm, internodes often hairy. Lemma to 6 mm; hairs dense on margin and in all intemerves though sometimes absent from some.
A C. crassiuscula (Kirk) Zotov ssp. crassiuscula laminis productis tenuibus acutis tortis diagnoscenda.

Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

2n = 42

Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

Short, stout, robust tussock. Leaf-sheath to 12 cm, sometimes purpled, usually with many short interrib hairs. Ligule to 0.5 mm. Leaf-blade 30 cm × 6 mm, drawn out into long tapering, twisting or curling, pointed apex; adaxially with few prickle-teeth near ligule. Culm to 65 cm, internodes often hairy. Lemma to 6 mm; hairs dense on margin and in all internerves though sometimes absent from some. Plate 1B.

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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor

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Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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