Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference |
Elytranthe colensoi (Hook.f.) Engl. 1897
is host of |
Merulius corium (Pers.) Fr. 1828
Byssomerulius corium (Pers.) Parmasto 1967
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) |
Peraxilla colensoi (Hook.f.) Tiegh. 1894 | is isolate source for |
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
New Zealand | ICMP (Records from New Zealand.) |
Peraxilla colensoi (Hook.f.) Tiegh. 1894 | is isolate source for |
Diaporthe sp.1
Diaporthe nothofagi R.G. Shivas, J. Edwards & Y.P. Tan 2013
New Zealand | ICMP (Records from New Zealand.) |
Peraxilla colensoi (Hook.f.) Tiegh. 1894 | is host of |
Leucostoma (Nitschke) Höhn. 1917
Cytospora Ehrenb. 1818
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) |
Peraxilla colensoi (Hook.f.) Tiegh. 1894 | is host of |
Diaporthe nothofagi R.G. Shivas, J. Edwards & Y.P. Tan 2013
Diaporthe nothofagi R.G. Shivas, J. Edwards & Y.P. Tan 2013
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) |
scientific name
22 November 2018