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Merulius corium (Pers.) Fr. 1828

Merulius corium (Pers.) Fr. 1828
(Pers.) Fr.
Merulius corium
Merulius corium (Pers.) Fr. 1828
ARALIACEAE. Meryta sinclairii: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 45 m. Neopanax arboreum: Auckland, Upper Piha Valley, 300 m; Mt. Pihanga, 750 m. Taranaki, Mt. Egmont, 900 m. Canterbury, Rakaia Gorge, 400 m. Neopanax colensoi: Wellington, Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 950 m. Pseudopanax crassifolium: Auckland, Scenic Drive, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. Hawke's Bay, Poronui, 700 m. Wellington, Mt. Tongariro, 750 m. Schefflera digitata: Westland, Waiho, 200 m. BALSAMINACEAE. Impatiens sp.: Auckland, Cornwallis, 20 m. COMPOSITAE. Brachyglottis repanda: Auckland, Mt. Pihanga, 750 m. Wellington, Kahuterawa River, 35 m. Olearia ilicifolia: Westland, Douglas Rock, Copland Valley, 1,200 m. Olearia rani: Auckland, Upper Piha Valley, 300 m. CONIFERAE. Pinus halpensis: South Australia, Snuggery. Pinus radiata: South Australia, Mt. Burr Forest. CORNACEAE. Griselinia littoralis: Otago, Whisky Gully, Tapanui, 180 m. CORYNOCARPACEAE. Corynocarpus laevigatus: Auckland, Piha, coast. CUNONIACEAE. Weinmannia racemosa: Wellington, Wanganui, 10 m. ELAEOCARPACEAE. Aristotelia serrata: Auckland, Waitomo, 70 m. EPACRIDACEAE. Cyathodes fasciculata: Auckland, Anawhata Road, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. FAGACEAE. Nothofagus cliffortioides: Wellington, National Park, 1,250 m. LAURACEAE. Beilschmiedia tawa: Auckland, Cutty Grass Road, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. MELIACEAE. Dysoxylum spectabile: Auckland, Scenic Drive, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. MIMOSACEAE. Acacia melanoxylon: Victoria, Croydon. South Australia, Mt. Burr Forest. MONIMIACEAE. Hedycarya arborea: Auckland, Woods Bay, Titirangi. MYRSINACEAE. Myrsine salicina: Auckland, Little Barrier Island. MYRTACEAE. Metrosideros fulgens: Westland, Weheka, 200 m. OLEACEAE. Ligustrum vulgare: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 50 m. PITTOSPORACEAE. Pittosporum colensoi: Wellington, Whakapapaiti Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, 1,200 m. Pittosporum crassifolium: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 50 m. Pittosporum tenuifolium: Auckland, Henderson, 75 m; Waitakere Ranges, 300 m; Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula, 450 m; Waitetoki, Lake Taupo, 500 m. RUBIACEAE. Coprosma areolata: Auckland, Whangarei Heads. Coprosma australis: Auckland, Waiatarua, Waitakere Ranges, 250 m; Cutty Grass Road, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. Coprosma foetidissima: Taranaki, Mt. Egmont, 950 m; Westland, Harihari. Coprosma robusta: Auckland, Mt. Eden, 120 m; Mairangi Bay, coast. Wellington, Weraroa, sandhills. RUTACEAE. Citrus limonum: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 50 m. SALICACEAE. Salix fragilis: Wellington, Weraroa, 25 m. SAXIFRAGACEAE. Carpodetus serratus: Auckland, Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Ranges, 300 m. UNKNOWN HOSTS. Queensland, Buriya Mountains. South Australia, National Park; Bordertown; Mt. Lofty; Beaumont. New South Wales, Bulli Pass; Mosman. Victoria, Wallaby Creek; Creswick; Brisbane Ranges. Tasmania, Port Arthur.
Hymenophore pileate, annual, coriaceous. Pilei effused-reflexed, sometimes imbricate or scutellate, often resupinate, on lateral branches extending to 20 cm, 0.5-1 cm radius, on vertical branches narrowly effused-reflexed, or conchate, 1-3 x 0.5-1 cm; pileus surface white or cream, radially sulcate and sometimes zoned with one or two light brown bands, finely tomentose; margin inturned, acute, lobed, concolorous; hymenial surface cream, pallid flesh-pink, or orange, shining, finely porose-reticulate with pores 1-4 per mm; often with large, plane, even areas or shallowly punctate, fertile to the edge, when old sometimes creviced. Context white or cream, 0.2-0.5 mm thick, of somewhat loosely intertwined hyphae; generative hyphae to 6 it diameter, walls 0.5-2 µm thick, hyaline, without clamp connections, sometimes crystal encrusted. Hymenial layer to 50 µm deep, subhymenium to 100 µm, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, or subcylindrical, 16-24 x 4-6 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata slender, erect, to 5 µm long. Paraphyses cylindrical, 10-18 x 4-5 µm. Spores elliptical, 6-7.5 x 3-3.5 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: Cosmopolitan.
HABITAT: Bark or decorticated wood of dead branches.
Merulius corium maybe recognised by the effused-reflexed pilei with white finely tomentose surface, flesh-pink glistening hymenial surface, elliptical spores, and absence of clamp connections. Resupinate forms are common and not infrequently the surface is almost even or delicately punctate, when the species might be mistaken for a Stereum. In a previous paper (1950) I recognised a second species, M. confluens Schw., but now doubt if both can be maintained on any constant morphological feature. Examination of the types in Kew herbarium has shown that Polyporus eriophorus Berk. & Br., ex "Q., Brisbane, F. M. Bailey, No. 419" and Merulius pelliculosus Cke. ex "Vic., Mrs Martin, No. 762" are also synonyms. Specimens of M. aurantius Lloyd from Tasmania, sent by the late L. Rodway to J. B. Cleland also proved to be of this species.
Taxonomic concepts
Global name resources
scientific name
29 April 1996
13 June 2019