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Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008

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Cortinarius elaiops Soop in Gasparini & Soop, Australas. Mycol. 27 177 (2008)
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008

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Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
NZ holotype (PDD 88271)
Cortinarius elaiops
New Zealand. Southland, Milford Road, Mackay Creek, 29th April 2006, KS-CO1649, holotype PDD 88271

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Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008

Pileus 15–50 mm diam., obtusely rounded, later convex-conical, dry, finely to rather coarsely innate fibrillose, hygrophanous, brownish-yellow with an olive-brown to olive-black disk, sometimes with an orange tinge; margin contrastingly brighter, olive-yellow, striate with darker, yellow-brown fibrils. Lamellae adnate, distant (L=28, l=2), olive-yellow to pale cinnamon when young, edge concolorous. Stipe 35–80 x 3–9 mm, tall, slender, cylindrical, often somewhat expanded at base; pale yellow to citrinous from an absorbing sheen, with sparse, thin, brownish to orange fibrils and bands. Veil yellow-brown, turning orange-red, sparse. Context olive-brown in pileus, contrastingly yellow-brown to olive yellow in stipe. Macrochemical reactions: NaOH warmly dark brown to red-brown on pileal surface, weakly purple-brown in context; formalin, guayac, phenol in context nil. Odour and taste raphanoid.Spores 5.5–6.2–7(–7.3) x 4.6-5.2–5.5(–5.7) µm, Q=1.19±0.10 (n=26), subglobose, moderately verrucose. Marginal elements fairly crowded, clavate to vesiculose, 12–20 x 6–7 µm. Basidia 20–25 x 5–7 µm, 4-spored. Epicutis thick with parallel hyaline hyphae 7–11 µm diam., lower strata with a (pale) red-brown, vacuolar pigment. Hypocutis with irregular, angular, hyphal elements, up to 40 x 20 µm. Clamp connections present.
Pileo 15-50 mm diam., primo obtuso-globoso, deinde convexo-conico, sicco, hygrophano, helvello, ad discum olivaceobadio, interdum aurantio-lavato, minute vel impolite innato-fibrilloso, margine pallidior, olivaceolutea, striata. Lamellis primo ex olivaceoluteis pallide cinnamomeis, distantibus. Stipite aequali, procero, ad basem interdum incrassato, pallide citrino-luteo, minute fulvo-fibrilloso. Velo helvello, aurantio-rubescens, sparso. Carne pilei olivaceobadia, stipite pugnante olivaceo-fulva; odore saporeque raphanoideis. Sporis subglobosis 5.5–7 x 4.5–5.5 µm, moderate verrucosis. Reactionem ope NaOH badio rufam. Holotypus hic designatus PDD 88271: Nova Zelandia, Southland, Milford Road, Mackay Creek, in silvis cum Nothofagete, 29 th April 2006, K. Soop.
Etymology: From Greek ελαιον, olive, and -οπς, eye, due to the concentric colour pattern on the pileus. Comments: This rather common fungus is easily recognised from its round, mustard-yellow pileus with a darker centre, reminiscent of an eye. The colour usually presents a distinct olive component. Despite its telamonioid habit the alkaline reaction of Cortinarius elaiops suggests an affinity to subgenus Dermocybe. The rather similar C. indotatus E. Horak yields a stronger red alkaline reaction and produces differently shaped spores. C. paraxanthus Soop is also similar to this species, but it has a darker and more uniformly coloured pileus, no alkaline reaction, and significantly larger spores.

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Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
Cortinarius elaiops Soop (2008)
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
Cortinarius elaiops Soop

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Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
New Zealand
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
New Zealand
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
New Zealand
Cortinarius elaiops Soop 2008
New Zealand
North Canterbury

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New Zealand. Southland, Milford Road, Mackay Creek, 29th April 2006, KS-CO1649, holotype PDD 88271

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17 July 2006
26 April 2023
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