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Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.

Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm., Hist. Fil. 220 (1875)
(Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii
Vernacular names
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Rhizome stout, erect, clad in very dark brown linear-subulate paleae, sts with narrow pale margin, up to 1 cm. long; stipites densely tufted. Stipes stout, 15-30-(45) cm. × 3-4 mm., clad, especially in lower part, in linear-subulate paleae, mingled, especially in upper part, with slender scurfy hairs. Rhachis stout, ± paleate and hairy, with numerous approximate to rather distant pinnae. Lamina (20)-25-30-(40) × (7)-10-15-(25) cm., coriac., lanceolate to deltoid-oblong, acuminate; very dark green and glab. above, paler and ± scurfy below; bipinnate. Larger pinnae 5-10 × 2-4 cm., about lanceolate, acuminate; lower pinnules very shortly stalked, upper decurrent and confluent. Pinnules diverse on different plants, up to 15 × 5 mm., lanceolate- to ovate-oblong: (a) sharply serrately toothed (b) lower teeth crenate (c) all crenate to subentire, obtuse to subacute. Sori up to 8 in two rows about half way between midvein and margin, c. 2 mm. diam.; indusium flat, becomes concave upwards, with dark centre and pale margin.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Rhizomes short, erect. Stipes and rachises densely scaly; scales narrow, dull, usually uniformly blackish brown but rarely having narrow pale borders, with expanded colourless fimbriate bases. Laminae very variable, narrowly oblong, elliptic, ovate, or almost triangular, 2- to almost 3-pinnate, 10-50 × 4-25 cm. Primary pinnae in 10-30 pairs, ovate to narrowly ovate, the longest 2-13 × 1-5 cm. Secondary pinnae in 5-20 pairs, ovate to narrowly ovate with a basal acroscopic lobe, the longest 7-30 × 5-12 mm, very variable in dissection, from ± entire with obtuse apices to deeply dissected (almost to midrib) with sharply pointed apices. Sori round, protected by ± flat peltate indusia with black centres and pale margins.
Taxonomic concepts
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
scientific name
1 January 2000
21 June 2021