Veronica albicans Petrie

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Veronica albicans Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 49: 53 (1917)
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans
"A closely branched low shrub". Branchlets stout "marked by a pubescent tract running down from between the leaves and often extending along the leaf-bases," length of internodes 1-2 × diam., older branches dark. Lvs spreading to imbricate, 1·5-2-(3) cm. × 8-15 mm., broad-ovate to oblong, thick and glaucous; lf-bud without sinus, the lf sessile with broad sts subcordate base; lamina broadly to narrowly obtuse, glab., entire, margins bevelled, midrib us. evident. Infls lateral, simple, 3-6 cm. long, broad to top; peduncles < lvs, sparsely villous-pubescent; fls crowded. Bracts 1·5-2.5 mm. long, very narrow, ciliolate, those near base < pedicels. Calyx-lobes 2-3 mm. long, narrow-ovate, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla white, "tube wide, twice as long as calyx, the limb cut into 4 short broad, obtusely rounded lobes". Capsule erect, glab., "ovate or elliptic-ovate, subacute, about 2 × calyx".
Much-branched spreading shrub c. 1 m. tall. Branchlets medium with sparse short hairy pubescence mostly confined to bifarious bands, length of internodes c. 3 × diam., older branches red-brown. Lvs spreading, deflexed, c. 3-5 cm. × 4-9 mm., narrow-lanceolate, rather thin but ± glaucous; lf-bud without sinus, lf-base broad; lamina tapering to subacute tip, glab., entire, margin smooth, cartilaginous, midrib evident. Infls lateral, simple, c. 6 cm. long, us. tapering; peduncle c. 1·5 cm. long, slender, hairy-pubescent. Bracts 1·5-2 mm. long, narrow, ciliolate, not opp., pedicels to 3-4 mm. long. Calyx-lobes to 2 mm. long, narrow, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube c. 3 mm. long, lobes shorter, rounded, incurved. Capsule c. 4 × 2 mm., erect, ± pointed, glab.
n = 20
n = 20
n = 20
2n = 80
n = 20
2n = 80
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
Veronica albicans Petrie
Hebe recurva G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Hebe recurva G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
Veronica albicans Petrie
The epithet albicans means becoming white, which Bayly & Kellow (2006) interpret as a reference to the glaucous leaves.
Lectotype (designated by Kellow et al. 2005): Mt Cobb, N. W. Nelson, H. J. Matthews, Feb 1909, WELT 16954
scientific name
23 January 2007
26 August 2022