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Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985

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Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers, New Zealand J. Bot. 23 309 (1985)

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G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) Stalpers
illegitimate, superfluous
Phanerochaete singularis

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Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985

Basidiome somewhat hypochnoid when young, becoming membranaceous. Subicular hyphae brown, thin- to somewhat thick-walled, 5-8 µm wide, often branching at right angles. Clamps absent from most septa, but some septa showing 1-3 clamps. Subhymenial hyphae hyaline to yellowish, 3-5 µm wide. Immature basidia 18-25 X 4.5-7 µm; mature basidia not seen. Spores hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, ellipsoid to subcylindrical, 4.5-6 X 2-3 µm (few seen).
At first sight the white-rot species resembles Tomentella Pat. It is here considered as belonging in Phanerochaete because of the verticillate clamps and the smooth spores, but it takes a rather isolated position there. Phanerochaete cacaina (Bourd. & Galz.) Burdsall & Gilbertson is also brown, but here the hyphae are covered with resinous material; moreover, this species has cylindrical spores. Ph. fuscomarginata (Burt) Gilbertson differs in having cystidia and broader spores (5-7 X 3-4 µm).

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Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985
Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers (1985)
Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985
Phanerochaete singularis (G. Cunn.) Stalpers (1985)

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21 January 2003
21 January 2003
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