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Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002

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Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys in Peintner et al., Mycotaxon 83 448 (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002

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New Zealand
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E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys
E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys
replacement, replacement name
Cortinarius achrous

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New Zealand: South Island: Nelson: Lake Rotoiti, track to St Arnaud Range, 23.V. 1968, leg. Horak (PDD 27163. holotype: ZT 68/507, isotype). Otago: Milford Sound, 1.IV.1969,leg. Horak (ZT69/218).
Pileus - 55 mm, convex to umbonate when young becoming campanulate to umbonate-expanded; pale grey-brownish to pale argillaceous, with pale ochre tints over disc, strongly hygrophanous and striate along margin,glutinous; white, fibrillose patches and squamules of veil embedded in gluten. Lamellae crowded, pale brown to argillaceous, emarginate, edge even or subserrate, concolorous. Stipe -80 x -15 mm, cylindric to subclavate at base; white, turning pale brown near base, fibrillose; annulus white, striate, persistent; with few, incomplete, white belts of veil towards base; dry, solid, single, in groups. Context whitish to pale argillaceous, watery. Odour and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH, HC1- negative. Spore print pale rust-brown. Spores 9.5-12 x 6-7.5 µm, amygdaliform brown, verrucose, mucro not distinct. Basidia 30-45 x 11-14 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 20-35 x 7-12 µm, subclavate, inconspicuous. Cuticle a cutis of cylindrical, strongly gelatinised hyphae (4-8 µm diam.), cylindric cells of subcutis up to 30 µm diam. encrusted with pale brown pigment. Clamp connections present.
o n soil among litter and moss under Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst. and N. fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst. New Zealand.
Pileus -55 mm, umbonato convexus vel campanulatus, albidogriseus dein pallide argillaceus, squamulis albis instructus, glutinosus, striatus. Lamellae argillaceae. Stipe -80 x -15 mm, cylindricus vel subclavatus, albus, annulo striato et squamis subcingulatis basim versus instructus. Caro subargillacea. Sporae 9.5-12 x 6-7.5 µm, amygdaliformes, verrucosae. Ad terram in silvis nothofagineis. Novazelandia.

The most distinctive feature of Rozites pallida is (as the name indicates) the pallid pileus, which in fresh condition is covered by a thick glutinous layer with embedded white squamules of the universal veil. Macroscopically this New Zealand species resembles R. sarmienti (Speg.) Horak (1979) which is common in the South American Nothofagus forests both in Chile and Argentina.

Typus PDD 27163

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Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys (2002)
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites pallidus E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]

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Cortinarius achrous E. Horak, Peintner, M.M. Moser & Vilgalys 2002
[Not available]

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scientific name
3 December 2002
16 December 2024
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