Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman

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Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl. 756 (1906)
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua
Slender, 2–4 cm. high, perfectly glab. Roots ∞, comparatively thick, < 0.2 mm. diam. Lvs ∞, 0.5 mm. wide, all radical, erect, linear-filiform, colourless below and ± transparent, the upper third bright green, lamina at maturity often purple-red with a red central vein, tip acute, the base rather broader but not sheathing. Scapes c. 0.2 mm. diam., bright red below infl., at the flowering stage only 2–3 mm. high, but later lengthening when fr. is set to c. ¾ the length of the lvs, or occ. = lvs. Floral bracts 4 or occ. 2, 3 or 5, c. 3–5 mm. long, thin and membr., ovate-lanceolate, acute, with a central nerve; occ. one pair of bracts not fully developed and filiform, or one of the second pair absent, the other filiform. ♂ 2–8 to each infl., bright red; filaments comparatively stout, up to 1 cm. long at maturity, anthers c. 1 mm. long. ♀ c. 10, but occ. as many as 24 to each infl., shortly stipitate; ovary c. 0.5 × 0.4 mm., yellow-brown, with 5–10 unequal, delicate styles bunched at its top; stipe 0.5–1 mm. long, bright red at maturity. Rarely a few infls with 2–4 ♂ and 1–5 ♀. Fr. elliptic-ovoid, red-brown, apiculate with a dark tip; ind.
Taxonomic concepts
Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Trithuria inconspicua Cheeseman
Holotype: AK 2889, Sandy shores of Lake Ngatu, Waipapakauri, between Rangaunu Harbour and the West Coast, H. Carse s.n., Feb 1902
Not easily visible.
scientific name
5 June 2008
9 June 2022