Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.

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Asplenium polyodon G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. 80 (1786)
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon
Lectotype (selected by Nicolson & Fosberg 2003): no locality, Forster s.n., Herb. Thunberg, UPS-T 24832 (see Salgado & Fraser-Jenkins 2013, fig. 8)
Vernacular names
- Asplenium adiantoides (L.) C.Chr.
- Asplenium adiantoides var. polyodon (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
- Asplenium caudatum sensu Hook.f.
- Asplenium falcatum Lam.
- Asplenium falcatum sensu A.Rich.
- Asplenium falcatum var. caudatum (G.Forst.) Allan
- Asplenium forsterianum Colenso
- Tarachia adiantoides (L.) Nakai ex Tuyama
- Tarachia falcata (Lam.) C.Presl
- Tarachia polyodon (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Trichomanes adiantoides L.
Rhizome stout, shortly creeping to ascending, densely clad in slender dark lanceolate-attenuate paleae; stipites crowded. Stipes 15-30 cm. × 3 mm., stiff, densely paleate at base, ± densely paleate elsewhere, becoming glab. Rhachis stout to slender, smooth, paleate when young, with rather distant alt. pinnae. Lamina (15)-20-50-(100) × (5)-15-(20) cm., ± pend., coriac., dark green, lanceolate-attenuate, ± paleate when young; veins conspicuous, simple or forked from about halfway. Pinnae up to 50 or more, ascending, shortly stalked, decreasing towards terminal pinna, (5)-10-(15) cm. × 15-25 mm.; lanceolate, acuminate, inciso-serrate, us. with broadly rounded toothed lobe on upper edge near obliquely cuneate base. Sori us. cop., linear, up to 2 cm. long, often almost reaching margin; indusium firm.
Pinnae narrower, up to 15 cm. × 15 mm., acuminate; sori up to 1 cm. long, not reaching near to margin.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Rhizome stout, short creeping, densely covered in red-brown, narrowly triangular scales up to 10 × lmm. Stipes 10-30 cm long, dark brown, still", densely covered in scales similar to but smaller than those of the rhizome (Fig. 4A-E). Laminae lanceolate, 25-50 (or more) × 10-20 cm, dark green and glossy above, paler and dull below, frequently pendulous, pinnate. Raches dark chocolate brown, very scaly. Pinnae 25 (or more) pairs, narrowly angular-ovate to ovate, sometimes with a large rounded basal acroscopic lobe, acuminate, doubly serrate, 5-10 × 1—2 cm, scaly and with prominent veins on underside. Sori often slightly curved away from the midrib, up to 2 mm long. Spores (26)30-37 (40) mcm long, (15)18-21(25) mcm wide (6 populations), perispore with a few very prominent ridges (Fig. 30A-B).
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
2n = 144
2n = c. 72
Taxonomic concepts
Asplenium adiantoides (L.) C.Chr.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium adiantoides var. polyodon (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium falcatum var. caudatum (G.Forst.) Allan
Asplenium falcatum var. caudatum (G.Forst.) Allan
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium forsterianum Colenso
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Tarachia polyodon (G.Forst.) C.Presl.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Trichomanes adiantoides L.
Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
Identification keys
Lectotype (selected by Nicolson & Fosberg 2003): no locality, Forster s.n., Herb. Thunberg, UPS-T 24832 (see Salgado & Fraser-Jenkins 2013, fig. 8)
From the Greek poly- (many), and -odon (toothed), a reference to the dissection of the pinnae.
scientific name
1 January 2000
22 March 2007