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Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005

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Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper, New Zealand J. Bot. 43 326 (2005)
Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005

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New Zealand
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J.A. Cooper
J.A. Cooper
Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005
NZ holotype
Dactylaria leptospermi
HOLOTYPE New Zealand, Auckland, Karekare, dead stem of Leptospermum scoparium, 18 Mar 2001, PDD 74982 [incorrectly cited. Holotype = PDD 76620] , ICMP 14247 (ex Type).

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Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005

Colonies effuse, hairy. Conidiophores mononematous, macronematous, unbranched, septate, brown, becoming paler towards the apex, arising from enlarged radial base. Conidiophore up to 50–120 µm long and 6 µm wide at the base, tapering to 3.5 µm near the apex and then constricting rapidly before enlarging into a denticulate apex. Conidiogenesis terminal, determinate, sympodial. Denticles hyaline, up to 3 × 1 µm. Conidia hyaline, fusiform with rounded apex, slightly asymmetric, 20–30 × 3.5–4 µm
Coloniae effusae, hirsutae. Conidiophora mononematosa, macronematosa, non ramosa, septata, brunnea, ad apicem pallescentia, ex basi radiale augita, usque 50–120 µm longa et basi 6 µm lata, subapice 3.5 µm attenuata, infra apicem praecipite constricta sed in apice dilatata et denticulata. Evolutio conidiorum terminalis, determinata, sympodialis. Denticulae hyalinae, usque 3 × 1 µm. Conidia hyalina, fusiformia, apice subrotundata, leniter asymmetrica, 20–30 × 3.5–4 µm
This species clearly fits within Dactylaria section Diplorhinotrichum as defined by de Hoog (1985). Goh & Hyde (1997) provided a key to species of Dactylaria. Dactylaria leptospermi differs from D. nervicola Upadhyay & Mankau and D. arecae (Matsush.) R.F.Castañeda & W.B.Kendr., both of which have acropleurogenous conidiogenesis and conidia sometimes pale brown; it differs from the latter in having shorter conidia (12–24 µm). Two other species show some similarity to D. leptospermi. Dactylaria cazorlii Mercado, Gené & Guarro has similarly shaped conidia but these have 4–6 septa and a conidiophore that is constricted atthe base. The closest species is D. plovercovensis Goh & K.D.Hyde, which has similar conidiophores but much smaller denticles (0.5–1.5 µm) and with shorter and wider conidia 16–22 × 4–4.5 µm.
HOLOTYPE: Auckland, Karekare, dead stem of Leptospermum scoparium, 18 Mar 2001, PDD 76620 [74982=error in paper], ICMP 1429 [14247=error in paper] (ex Type).

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Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005
Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper (2005)
Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005
Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper (2005)

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Dactylaria leptospermi J.A. Cooper 2005
New Zealand

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HOLOTYPE New Zealand, Auckland, Karekare, dead stem of Leptospermum scoparium, 18 Mar 2001, PDD 74982 [incorrectly cited. Holotype = PDD 76620] , ICMP 14247 (ex Type).

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14 January 2003
4 May 2005
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