Blanchon, D. J.; Murray, B. G.; Braggins, J. E. 2002: A taxonomic revision of Libertia (Iridaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 40: 437–456.

Blanchon, D. J.; Murray, B. G.; Braggins, J. E. 2002: A taxonomic revision of Libertia (Iridaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 40: 437–456.
Taxonomic concepts
Ferraria ixioides (G.Forst.) Willd
Libertia caerulescens Kunth & Bouché
Libertia grandiflora sensu Moore
Libertia grandiflora sensu Moore
Libertia ixioides sensu Moore
Libertia paniculata ( R.Br. ) Spreng.
Libertia pulchella (R.Br.) Spreng.
Moraea ixioides (G.Forst.) Thunb.
Nematostigma ixioides (G.Forst.) A.Dietr.
Renealmia grandiflora sensu Sweet
Plants consisting of leafy fans crowded or emerging at intervals from far-spreading horizontal stolons; stolons c. 3–5 mm diam., bright yellow. Leaves 150–900 mm × 5–11 mm, the two surfaces similar; inclined to turn yellow where exposed to full sun; leaf bases yellow; nerves many, median ones crowded to form a midrib; margins not scabrid, leaf in transverse section convex lensshaped, two rows of vascular bundles present, marginal vascular bundles present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Peduncles long (2/3 the length of inflorescence) but inflorescences short (2/3 the length of the leaves), flowers and fruits not usually reaching top of leaves. Panicle narrow, sparsely branched; lower bracts long (180– 250 mm), lanceolate and orange-green, upper bracts smaller and membranous brown, occurring singly; 1–3 flowers per branch. Pedicels stout, 5–16 mm long, glabrous. Flower bud sometimes yellowish or brown, usually similar size to ovary sometimes smaller, flowers 20–35 mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer tepals usually > ½ the length of the inner, narrower, elliptical, flattened, with an apiculus; inner tepals oval-elliptical, shortly unguiculate, not usually covering outer tepals, cleft at tip. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 3 mm long, yellow, pollen sacs broad, connective narrow; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 28.5–38.0 × 19.0–31.4 µm. Ovary yellowish green, ribbed cupiform, equal to or larger than perianth bud; style branches not winged, pointing outwards. Capsule large, often 20 mm long, barrel-shaped, ripening from green to yellow-orange to black, usually indehiscent, although apex may split slightly. Seeds dispersed when capsule disintegrates. Seeds c. 1.5 mm × 1.5 mm, globose to angular, surface texture reticulate-foveolate, orange-brown in colour. Chromosome number 2n = 12x = 228 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Sep–Nov; FR Jan–Dec.
L. ixioidi (Forster f.) Sprengel similis a qua differt rhizomatibus elongatis et ovariis minoribus.
Plants consisting of leafy fans crowded or emerging at intervals from far- spreading horizontal stolons; stolons c. 2 mm diam., pale yellow in colour. Leaves 120–620 mm × 1–5(– 9) mm, the two surfaces similar; green to pale yellow; nerves many, the median ones sometimes crowded to form a pale midrib; margins only scabrid at tip of leaf; leaf in transverse section convex lens shaped, two rows of vascular bundles present centrally, marginal vascular bundles present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Peduncles ½ length of total inflorescence, inflorescences of similar length to leaves. Panicle broad, much and widely branched, lower bracts long (15–120 mm), lanceolate, green, upper bracts shorter, brown and membranous, occurring singly, 1–4 flowers per branch. Pedicels slender, glabrous, 10–20(–35) mm long. In flower bud, perianth often pigmented externally, often larger than ovary. Flowers 10– 20 mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer tepals < ½ the length of the inner, narrower, elliptical, boat-shaped, with reduced apiculus; inner tepals orbicular, unguiculate, often overlapping outer, cleft present at tip. Staminal filaments shortly connate; anthers 2–3 mm long, bright yellow, pollen sacs broad, connective narrow; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 24.9–32.6 × 17.3– 24.9 µm. Ovary small compared with perianth bud at anthesis; style branches not winged, pointing upwards. Capsule 5–9 mm long, 3–6 mm diam., barrel-shaped, green, turning black on maturity, dehiscing fully or partially from shorter or longer loculicidal splitting, the longer valves often recurved. Seeds c. 1.0 × 1.5 mm, rounded or sometimes angular, surface texture reticulate-foveolate, bright tangerine orange. Chromosome number 2n = 6x = 114 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Sep–Nov; FR Dec–May.
L. grandiflorae (R.Br.) Sweet similis a qua differt statura minori, foliis falcatis; rhizomatibus elongatis et capsulis cupiformibus.
Plants consisting of leafy fans, closely bunched on short, highly branched rhizomes, joined by short stolons. Leaves (100–)500(–1400) mm × 2– 12 mm, the two surfaces similar; leaf bases pinkgreen; nerves many, median ones may be crowded to sometimes form a midrib; margins often finely scabrid; leaf in transverse section convex lensshaped, with two rows of vascular bundles present centrally, marginal vascular bundle present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Inflorescences long, usually carrying flowers above leaves; peduncles also long. Panicle broad, much and openly branched, lower bracts long (40–130 mm), green and lanceolate, upper bracts narrow and pale brown, occurring singly; 1–6 flowers per branch. Pedicels slender but stiff, (10–)20–50 mm long, glabrous. Perianth bud often pigmented externally, equal to or twice as long as ovary, flowers 10–30 mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer tepals < ½ of inner, narrower, oblong-elliptical, boatshaped, with apiculus; inner tepals, unguiculate, distal portion orbicular and often overlapping outer tepals, cleft present at tips. Staminal filaments shortly connate; anthers c. 3 mm long, bright yellow, pollen sacs broad, connective narrow; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 28.5–45.6 × 17.1–36.1 µm. Ovary pyriform, small compared with perianth bud; style branches scarcely winged, pointing upwards. Capsule 6 –14 mm × 4–8 mm, tear-drop shaped, green, turning to black on maturity, fully dehiscing by shorter or longer loculicidal splitting, the longer valves often widely recurved. Seeds c. 1–1.5(–2) × 1–1.5 mm, rounded or sometimes angular if crowded, reticulate-foveolate, bright tangerine orange. Chromosome number: 2n = 6x = 114 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Sep–Nov; FR Dec–Apr.
Plants consisting of leafy fans, close together on short, much branched rhizomes, joined by short stolons. Leaves (150–)550(–1160) mm × 3– 12 mm, the two surfaces similar; inclined to turn yellow where exposed to full sun; leaf bases pale redgreen; nerves many, median ones crowded to form pale midrib; margins often finely scabrid, leaf in transverse section convex lens-shaped, two rows of vascular bundles present, marginal vascular bundle present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Peduncles long (2/3 the length of the inflorescence), but inflorescence short, usually not carrying flowers or fruits above leaves. Panicle narrow, but much branched, or sometimes simply branched; lower bracts long (50–410 mm), green, lanceolate, upper bracts narrow and pale brown, occurring singly; 1–6 flowers (often 2) per branch. Pedicels stout, 10–20(–28) mm long, glabrous. Flower bud sometimes yellowish, usually much smaller than ovary, flowers 8–15(–25) mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer tepals about ½ length of inner tepals and narrower, elliptical, flattened, with apiculus; inner tepals orbicular-elliptical, shortly unguiculate, not usually covering outer tepals, slight cleft at tips. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 2 mm long, yellow, pollen sacs broad, connective narrow; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 41.8–53.2 × 26.6–39.9 µm. Ovary pale, larger than perianth bud; style branches sometimes slightly winged, usually pointing outwards. Capsule (7–)15–25 mm long, 5–14 mm diam., barrel-shaped, ripening from green to yellow to black, partially dehiscing by short loculicidal splitting; old valves pale and not widely patent. Seeds 1–2 × 1–1.5 mm, rounded or occasionally angular, reticulate-foveolate, bright tangerine orange. Chromosome number: 2n = 12x = 228 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Sep–Dec; FR Jan–Dec.
Plants consisting of leafy fans crowded or emerging at intervals from far-spreading horizontal stolons; stolons c. 3 mm diam., pale yellow in colour. Leaves 120–350 mm × 3–8 mm, the two surfaces similar; usually dark green; nerves many, the median ones crowded and uncoloured, or sometimes pale yellow; margins not usually scabrid, may be scabrid at tip; leaf in transverse section convex lens-shaped, two rows of vascular bundles present centrally, marginal vascular bundles present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Inflorescences short, not usually carrying flowers over leaves, peduncles also short; panicle narrow, much but usually closely branched, lower bracts long, lanceolate, green-brown, upper bracts shorter and brown, occurring singly, 2–5 flowers (often 2) per branch. Pedicels stout, glabrous, c. 14–20 mm long. In flower bud, perianth often yellowish externally, similar in size or slightly larger than the ovary. Flowers 20–28 mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer usually > ½ the length of the inner, narrower, blunt-elliptical, flattened, without an apiculus; inner oval-elliptical, shortly unguiculate, usually leaving most of outer tepals visible, cleft present at tip. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 3 mm long, dark yellow, pollen sacs broad, connective also broad; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 30.4–38.0 × 26.6–34.3 µm. Ovary barrel-shaped, green; style branches very slightly winged, pointing upwards. Capsule usually < 10 mm long, ovoid-barrel shaped, ripening from green to yellow then black on maturity, often indehiscent for more than a year after ripening. Seeds c. 1.5 mm diam., subglobose, surface texture reticulate-foveolate, orange or orange-brown. Chromosome number: 2n = 9x = c. 171 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Oct–Dec; FR Jan–Dec.
Plants consisting of leafy fans erect or semi-erect; sparsely branched leafy rhizomes, (30–)50–100(–180) mm long, attached to substratum, sometimes insecurely, by thin, wiry roots. Leaves 30–100(–220) mm × 1–3.5(–5) mm, the downward-facing surface much duller than the upper, due to more white lines of stomata and raised cells being present; veins inconspicuous, leaf bases green or pale yellow, leaf margins often finely scabrid, stomata often only present on lower surface of leaf; leaf in transverse section simple, only one row of vascular bundles present, marginal vascular bundle absent, no sclerenchyma on inside of leaf sheath. Inflorescences long, usually greater than leaves; peduncle slender. Panicle simple; bracts 5–35 mm long, narrow lanceolate, green or brown when dried, in clusters of three or more; 1–8 flowers on very slender, usually pubescent pedicels, 13– 35 mm long. Flowers white, 5–12(–15) mm diam., predominantly tepallate, outer whorl slightly shorter and narrower, elliptical with apiculus, inner whorl larger, elliptical with apical cleft. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 1.5 mm long; pollen sacs white, narrow, connective broad; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 28.5–41.8 × 19.0–34.2 µm. Ovary triquetrous, c. ¼ length of the perianth bud at anthesis; style branches not winged, pointing upwards. Capsule triquetrous, 2–3 × 2–5 mm; dehiscing by loculicidal splitting; valves keeled and strongly recurved at dehiscence, green-brown. Seeds 0.75–1 × 1–1.2 mm, rounded to egg-shaped, almost smooth, yellow. Chromosome number: 2n = 2x = 38 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Sep–Dec; FR Dec–Jun.
Plants consisting of leafy fans, closely bunched on short, much branched rhizomes. Leaves 100–400 mm × 1–4 mm, green to glaucous, slightly falcate, the two sides similar, although in some accessions they are all concave on the same face; leaf bases red-purple; veins numerous; margins finely scabrid; leaf in transverse section a flattened convex lens shape, two rows of vascular bundles present centrally, marginal vascular bundle present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Inflorescences long (140–560 mm), carrying flowers above leaves; peduncles 2/5 the length of the inflorescence. Panicle broad, usually openly branched; lower bracts long (20–60 mm), green and lanceolate, upper bracts short and brown, occurring singly; 1–7 flowers per branch. Pedicels slender and delicate, glabrous, 10–35 mm long. Perianth bud often pigmented externally, often 2× as long as ovary at anthesis. Flowers 10–20 mm diam.; tepals all white internally, inner tepals orbicular, sometimes overlapping outer tepals; outer tepals > ½ length of inner tepals but < 1/3 the area, elliptical, beige or pink, boat-shaped. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers 2–3 mm long, yellow; pollen sacs broad, connective narrow; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 24.7–38.0 × 17.1–30.4 µm. Ovary dark green, ½ the length of perianth bud; style branches not winged, usually pointing upwards. Capsule small, rarely reaching 5–8 mm long, 3–5 mm diam., barrel-shaped with ribs, ripening from green to brown or black, partially or occasionally fully dehiscing by short loculicidal openings. Seeds 1 × 1–1.5 mm, globose to angular, with reticulate-foveolate surface patterning, yellow to yellow-orange. Chromosome number: 2n = 6x = 114 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Aug– Nov; FR Dec–Feb.
L. grandiflorae (R.Br.) Sweet similis a qua differt statura minori; foliorum basibus purpureis- ruberis; capsulis cupiformibus dehiscentibus partialiter; seminibus flavis-aurantiacis.
Plants consisting of leafy fans crowded or emerging at intervals from far-spreading horizontal stolons, c. 3 mm diam., yellow in colour. Leaves 130–700 mm × 3–9 mm, the two surfaces similar; often +/– copper coloured where exposed to full sun; nerves many, the median ones crowded and coloured red or orange; margins usually not scabrid; leaf in transverse section convex lens-shaped, two rows of vascular bundles present centrally, marginal vascular bundles present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath. Peduncles short, inflorescences usually not carrying flowers or fruits above leaves. Panicle narrow, but usually closely branched, lower bracts long (40–170 mm), lanceolate, often brown, upper bracts shorter and brown, occurring singly; 1– 7 flowers per branch. Pedicels stout, c. 14–40 mm long, glabrous. In flower bud, perianth often brownish externally, similar size or slightly larger than ovary. Flowers 10–25(–30) mm diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer tepals usually > ½ the length of the inner, narrower, oblongelliptical or oblong, flattened, without apiculus; inner tepals obovate-elliptical, shortly unguiculate, usually leaving most of outer tepals visible, cleft present at tip. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 3–3.5 mm long, dark yellow-brown, pollen sacs broad, connective also broad; pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate, 26.6–38.0 × 15.2–30.4 µm. Ovary cupiform, green; style branches narrowly winged, pointing outwards. Capsule 6–15 mm long, 4– 10 mm diam., ovoid-barrel-shaped, ripening from green to orange, yellow, or black on maturity, often indehiscent for a year after ripening, seeds released after capsule disintegrates. Seeds c. 1.0–1.5 mm diam., subglobose, surface texture reticulatefoveolate, orange or orange-brown. Chromosome number: 2n = 6x = 114 (Blanchon et al. 2000a). FL Oct–Jan; FR Jan–Dec.
Panicles laxly branched or with dense clusters of flowers, sometimes simple; sterile spathes foliaceous, floral bracts membranaceous. Flowers usually white, rarely blue. Perianth spreading; tepals free, the outer three (sepals) usually smaller than the inner three (petals). Stamens three, staminal filaments very shortly connate at the base, ± flattened; anthers versatile. Pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate. Ovary 3- locular; style short with 3 ± keeled entire branches that spread between stamens. Fruit a subglobose to oblong or pyriform capsule. Seeds many, rounded to angular, ± reticulate-foveolate. Tufted, shortly rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs of grass-like habit, wholly or almost completely glabrous. Leaves usually in flattened fans, connected by short or elongate rhizomes. Perennial (Moore & Edgar 1970).
Identification keys
Key to species of Libertia in New Zealand
Leaf in transverse section simple, single row of vascular bundles, no sclerenchyma on inside of leaf sheath, leaves different on each side; rhizome simple, sparingly branched and leafy; 3 or more bracts at inflorescence branches; pedicels pubescent; flowers tepallate; pollen sacs narrow, divided by broad connective
Leaf in transverse section thickened, convex or irregular-shaped (vascular bundles causing protrusions in epidermis), two rows of vascular bundles present, sclerenchyma present on inside of leaf sheath, leaves similar on each side; rhizome not leafy; one bract at inflorescence branches; pedicels glabrous; flowers not tepallate; pollen sacs broad, connective narrow
Leaf margins finely scabrid; leaves narrow and grass-like; bracts at inflorescence branches narrow; inflorescences delicate and simple; outer tepals slightly shorter and narrower than inner, apiculus present at tips, cleft absent; pollen sacs white; flowers opening outside bracts on long pedicels; seeds lemon yellow or yellow-orange, seed surface texture pitted, not reticulate or foveolate
Leaf margins coarsely scabrid (or not scabrid); leaves broad; bracts at inflorescence branches broad or absent (L. pulchella var. pygmaea); inflorescences stout and often multi-branched; outer tepals almost indistinguishable from inner, apiculus absent from tip, small cleft present; pollen sacs cream or yellow; flowers opening initially within bracts, capsules carried subsequently beyond bracts by pedicel elongation; seeds red or red-brown, reticulate-foveolate sculpturing on surface
Leaf in transverse section irregular in shape, vascular bundles causing protrusions in epidermis; marginal vascular bundles absent from leaf, margin in transverse section acute; rhizome short and erect, raising fans above ground
Leaf in transverse section convex lens-shaped, vascular bundles within leaf thickness in two rows centrally, marginal vascular bundles present giving swollen appearance to leaf margin in transverse section; rhizome short and highly branched or elongate at or below ground level
Pedicels long (10–30 mm); outer whorl of tepals nearly as long as inner, but narrower
Pedicels almost non-existent (flowers sessile); outer whorl of tepals similar size to inner and rounded; flowers blue
Pedicels short but visible (6–13 mm); outer whorl of tepals < ½ of inner ones and pointed; flowers white
Leaf veins indistinct or forming slight midrib; flowers and capsules held above leaf tips; outer whorl of tepals, > 1/3 or less the area of the inner tepals, elliptical and adaxial face concave; inner whorl orbicular; capsules partially dehiscent**
Leaf veins distinct or indistinct; flowers and capsules usually held below leaf tips; outer whorl of tepals large, > 1/3 the area of the inner tepals, blunt and flat; inner whorl oval-elliptical; capsules indehiscent**
Leaf veins indistinct; leaves turn yellow in full sun; leaves straight or at most slightly falcate; capsules large (>20 mm long), turning yellow-orange on ripening
Leaf veins raised and prominent; leaves remain green or bronze even in full sun; leaves stiff and falcate; capsules small (<15 mm long), turning from green to yellow-brown, then black on ripening
Leaves turning yellow in full sun; flowers and capsules usually held below leaf tips; ovary larger than perianth bud at anthesis**; outer whorl of tepals > 1/3 the area of the inner tepals, flat and elliptical; inner whorl orbicular-elliptical
Leaves not turning yellow in full sun; flowers and capsules usually held above the leaf tips; ovary same size or smaller than perianth bud at anthesis**; outer whorl of tepals < 1/3 the area of the inner tepals, adaxially concave and elliptical; inner whorl orbicular
Plants small (100–400 mm leaf length); leaf bases purple-red; leaf veins evenly spaced; inflorescences simple and delicate; capsules cupiform, partially dehiscent**; seeds yellow or yellow-orange
Plants usually larger (100–1400 mm leaf length); leaf bases green or pale pink; leaf veins coalescing centrally to form midrib; inflorescences highly branched and stout; capsules pyriform and usually fully dehiscent**, revealing column of seeds; seeds bright orange
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Ferraria ixioides (G.Forst.) Willd
- Libertia caerulescens Kunth & Bouché
- Libertia cranwelliae Blanchon, B.G.Murray & Braggins
- Libertia edgariae Blanchon, B.G.Murray & Braggins
- Libertia formosa Graham
- Libertia grandiflora (R.Br.) Sweet
- Libertia grandiflora sensu Moore
- Libertia grandiflora sensu Moore
- Libertia ixioides (G.Forst.) Spreng.
- Libertia ixioides (G.Forst.) Spreng. × Libertia peregrinans Cockayne & Allan
- Libertia ixioides sensu Moore
- Libertia macrocarpa Klatt
- Libertia micrantha A.Cunn.
- Libertia mooreae Blanchon, B.G.Murray & Braggins
- Libertia orbicularis Colenso
- Libertia paniculata (R.Br.) Spreng.
- Libertia peregrinans Cockayne & Allan
- Libertia pulchella (R.Br.) Spreng.
- Libertia pulchella sensu Moore
- Libertia Spreng.
- Libertia tricolor Lem.
- Moraea ixioides (G.Forst.) Thunb.
- Nematostigma ixioides (G.Forst.) A.Dietr.
- Renealmia grandiflora R.Br.
- Renealmia grandiflora sensu Sweet
- Sisyrinchium ixioides G.Forst.
- Sisyrinchium pulchellum sensu Innes
- Tekelia Scop.
12 July 2005