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Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018

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Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous in Crous et al., FUSE 2 288 (2018)
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018

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B. Sutton
(B. Sutton) Crous
Allelochaeta falcata

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Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata stromatic, acervular, scattered to gregarious, sub-epidermal, oval to rounded, brown to dark brown, up to 0.3 mm in diameter, conidial mass black and conspicuous when exposed by rupture of the epidermis; on roughly circular (up to 1 cm in diameter) necrotic spots with a distinct dark brown margin, on both sides of leaves. Conidia fusiform, 3-septate, 23–34 × 6–8 μm; median two cells brown, the other two cells paler in colour; apical cell with a 7–12 μm long appendage; basal cell obconic, base truncate, with a 7–12 em long appendage.
Distribution: Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Westland, Southland.; 1st Record: Dick (1990: as Seimatosporium falcatum).
Significance: One of many fungi found on necrotic leaf spots on eucalypts. Pathogenicity unknown.; Host(s): Eucalyptus delegatensis, E. regnans.

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Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Cryptostictis falcata B. Sutton
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Seimatosporium falcatum (B. Sutton) Shoemaker
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Vermisporium falcatum (B. Sutton) Nag Raj 1993
Allelochaeta falcata (B. Sutton) Crous 2018
Vermisporium falcatum (B. Sutton) Nag Raj (1993)

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11 February 2019
11 February 2019
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