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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 47: 114 (1915)
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne

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New Zealand
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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia
Type: New Zealand. South Island, Canterbury, in fellfield or steppe from the lower sub-alpine to the alpine belts on mountains drained by River Waimakariri, but not where the rainfall is excessive (on label: Mt Torlesse Range at 900 m), 30 Dec 1901, L. Cockayne 1960 (lectotype WELT SP45777 designated by Saldivia 2023; isolectotypes CHR 288141, K 882082], WELT SP45778).

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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne

Small subshrub with woody, often multicipital, stock; branches close-set, clad in imbricate If-remains; living lvs rosulate at tips of branchlets. Lamina coriac., viscid, (2.5)-3-5 cm. × (2)-3·5-(6) mm., linear to occ. linear-spathulate; upper surface clad in thin ± deciduous pellicle; lower in appressed somewhat soft to satiny white tomentum; midrib pale, us. evident; apex obtuse to subacute; margins entire or minutely denticulate. Base suddenly expanded into sheath ± 15 × 5-6 mm., glab., transculent, longitudinal veins fine. Scape slender, viscid, up to c. 15 cm. long; bracts linear-subulate, remote, lower with lamina c. 2 cm. long. Capitula 2-3-4 cm. diam. Phyll. c. 10 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, indurated towards base and pale brown, with very prominent midrib; upper half thin, floccose on margins and ± viscid. Ray-florets c. 16 mm. long, linear, ± glandular, limb much recurved when dry, apex 3-4-toothed. Disk-florets c. 6 mm. long, very narrow-funnelform, teeth c. 1mm. long, ovate-triangular. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, cylindric, ribs densely clad in rather long ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 5 mm. long, white, slender, very finely barbellate.

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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne

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Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
United Kingdom
Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
United Kingdom

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Type: New Zealand. South Island, Canterbury, in fellfield or steppe from the lower sub-alpine to the alpine belts on mountains drained by River Waimakariri, but not where the rainfall is excessive (on label: Mt Torlesse Range at 900 m), 30 Dec 1901, L. Cockayne 1960 (lectotype WELT SP45777 designated by Saldivia 2023; isolectotypes CHR 288141, K 882082], WELT SP45778).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 May 2023
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