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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 22 (1844)
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata

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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.

Erect or spreading or sts subprostrate shrub up to c. 3 m. tall; branches slender, branchlets pubescent. Lvs on petioles (1)-2-3-(4) mm. long, hairy. Stipules subacute, pubescent, densely ciliate, with conspicuous tuft at apex. Lamina thin, pubescent, broad-ovate to oval to oblong, acute to obtuse, (6)-10-(20) × (1·5)-4-5-(10) mm. Midrib (pilose above and below) and principal secondary veins us. evident on both surfaces. Fls solitary, axillary. ? without calyx; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate-triangular, acute, = tube. ? with acute, short, triangular calyx-teeth; corolla subcampanulate, cut 1/2 way into acute lobes. Drupe yellow, globose to oblong, c. 6-7 mm. diam. Campbell Id specimens show a range of colours from clear white through yellow and orange to purplish red.

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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata var. virgata Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma myrtillifolia Hook.f.
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
Coprosma parviflora sensu Cheeseman
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.

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Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 September 2005
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