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Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, sér. 2, 4: 419 (1912)
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd

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New Zealand
Political Region

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(Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii

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Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd

Branches tufted, forming soft patches up to c. 10 cm. diam. and 5 cm. tall. Lvs densely imbricate, spreading at tips, 3·5-6·5 × 2-2.5 mm., obovate-oblong, 3-nerved, densely clad on both surfaces in soft buff to white tomentum. Capitula up to 1·5 cm. diam.; inner phyll. linear-oblong, acute, with white radiating tips up to 5 mm. long. Florets 25-50 or more, ♀ c. = perfect. Achenes up to 0.75 mm. long, pubescent to nearly glab.; pappus-hairs up to 4 mm. long, rigid, slightly thickened above.

Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd

2n = 28
2n = 28

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Gnaphalium youngii Hook.f.
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Gnaphalium youngii Hook.f.
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Helichrysum youngii (Hook.f.) Kirk
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Helichrysum youngii (Hook.f.) Kirk
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Psychrophyton youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Psychrophyton youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd

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Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
30 May 2006
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