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Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 3: 212 (1870 [1871])
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan

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New Zealand
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Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata

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Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan

Erect to depressed bushy shrub up to ± 1 m. tall; branches stout, spreading, with white bark falling in flakes; branchlets rather stout, glab. Lvs on winged petioles 10-15 mm. long. Stipules broadly triangular to subtruncate, ± glab.; denticles prominent, us. several. Lamina thick, coriac., dark green, ± rugulose above, paler below, subrotund to broad-obovate or obovate-oblong; apex rounded to subtruncate, mucronate; ± 40-70 × 25-40 mm.; margins cartilaginous, crenulate-serrulate. Reticulated veins evident on both surfaces. ♂ several together on very short axillary peduncles; calyx 0; corolla subcampanulate, lobes 4-5, oblong-triangular, acuminate, ciliolate; stamens 4-6. ♀ solitary on short axillary peduncles; calyx truncate, teeth 2; corolla tubular, lobes narrow-triangular, acute to subacuminate, < tube. Drupe red, broad-oblong, 7-8 mm. long.

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Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan

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Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
11 March 2004
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