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Carex allanii Hamlin

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Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii

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Carex allanii Hamlin

Tufts distant on far-extending rhizomes. Inflorescence a solitary red-brown spike ± 4 mm long. Utricles scabrid; rhachilla enclosed. Stigmas 3.

Carex allanii Hamlin

Rhizomatous, forming matted patches. Rhizomes up to 0.5 mm. diam., long-creeping. Culms distant on the rhizome, up to 7 cm. long, c. 0.2 mm. diam., terete, grooved, smooth; basal sheaths red-brown. Lvs 2–4, = or slightly < culms, c. 0.2 mm. wide, concavo-convex to plano-convex above, margins slightly scabrid towards the subacute tip; lf-sheaths red-brown, striated. Infl. a solitary spike of tightly clustered fls. Female fls 1–2; male fls in a spikelet 3.5–4 mm. long. Lowermost female glume bractiform, upper female glume 3–4 mm. long, acute, red-brown, midrib green, produced to a scabrid mucro c. 0.5 mm. long. Utricles 3–3.5 × 1 mm., subtrigonous, ovoid, nerveless except for two lateral nerves, contracted to a beak 1mm. long with scabrid margins and oblique orifice. Stigmas 3. Rhachilla, enclosed within utricle, 2 mm. long, flattened, margins scabrid. Nut < 2 mm. long, obovoid, trigonous.

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Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin
Carex allanii Hamlin

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Carex allanii Hamlin
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex allanii Hamlin
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carex allanii Hamlin
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex allanii Hamlin
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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