Pachycladon Hook.f.

Pachycladon Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 724 (1867)
Pachycladon Hook.f.
Pachycladon Hook.f.
Sepals linear to oblong, not saccate; petals white, spathulate; pistil subsessile; ovary with 12-36 ovules; style very short. Siliques linear to narrow-oblong, midnerve thin, lateral nerves faint. Seeds in two rows, obovate to rounded, or pyriform, somewhat flattened; cots accumbent. Perennial herbs with very stout stock, rosulate basal lvs; cauline lvs us. present. The N.Z. spp. are endemic. is endemic to Tasmania.
Racemes terminating branches; sepals oblong, subacute to obtuse: petals narrow-spathulate, long-clawed; anthers subacute; pistil sessile; ovary c. 90-ovuled; style stout, minute; siliques linear on filiform pedicels; mid-nerve thin; seeds in one row, minute, on filiform funicles; cots incumbent. Herbs with radical and cauline lvs. Genus monotypic, endemic to N.Z.
Pachycladon Hook.f.
Sepals oblong, deciduous; petals obovate-spathulate; pistil sessile, ovary ellipsoid; seeds few; siliques narrow-oblong, with convex keeled wingless valves; pedicels stout; style very short. Seeds in one row; cots incumbent. Herb with stout rootstock and radical rosulate lvs. Genus of one sp., endemic to N.Z.
Pachycladon Hook.f.
Caudex woody; inflorescences terminal, slender; fruit terete; seeds uniseriate, wingless.
Caudex soft to semi-woody; inflorescences lateral or terminal, if terminal stout; fruit laterally compressed; seeds biseriate, winged or wingless.
Short-lived perennial herbs, glabrous or sparsely to densely hirsute with simple and forked trichomes. Stems ascending to spreading, single or several from the caudex, simple or branched. Caudex stout and soft to slender and woody. Basal leaves rosulate, petiolate, simple, lobed, serrate, to more-or-less entire. Cauline leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, simple, serrate to entire. Racemes terminal or lateral, branched, slender to stout, few- to manyflowered, ebracteate, elongated in fruit. Sepals oblong, deciduous. Petals white, oblanceolate to spathulate, clawed. Stamens 6. Anthers oblong, short apiculate at apex. Nectar glands confluent and subtending bases of all stamens. Ovules 5 to 100 per locule. Fruit dehiscent, terete to laterally compressed, glabrous; valves with an obvious midvein and obscure marginal veins; septum usually complete, rarely incomplete; style distinct to moreor- less absent; stigma capitate, entire to weakly bifid. Seeds uniseriate to biseriate, winged or wingless, oblong; seed coat minutely reticulate, mucilaginous when wetted; cotyledons incumbent or accumbent.
Taxonomic concepts
Cheesemania O.E.Schulz
Pachycladon Hook.f.
Ischnocarpus O.E.Schulz
Pachycladon Hook.f.
The genus name Pachycladon is derived from the Greek clados (masculine), so following modern common sense might have been described as Pachycladus. However, this didn't happen. Furthermore, the type species, Pachycladon novae-zelandiae, gave no clue to gender of the genus. Consequently, later workers have had problems determining the gender of the genus and thus the appropriate endings for species epithets. Although "Greek nouns, when taken in to Latin, retain their original gender [which would be masculine], and compounds derived form two more more greek words take the gender of the last unless the ending is altered" (Stearn, Botanical Latin, 1966, p. 264), the ending of Pachycladon was altered to an apparently neuter ending. Species names have therefore been described ending in -us (masculine) or -um (neuter).
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 August 2005