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Carex kirkii Petrie

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Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii
Lectotype [selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 279]: headwaters of Luggate Creek, Mount Pisa, Otago, 4000 ft., D Petrie, Feb 1885. AK 2480; isolectotype US 2038825

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Carex kirkii Petrie

Bright green wiry-leaved tufts; rhizome short to long. Inflorescence pale green to pale brown. Spikes few, sessile, male at top. Stigmas 2.
Plants usually ± 10 cm high. Stems much < leaves and mostly hidden by leaf-sheaths. Inflorescence 1-1.5 cm long.

Carex kirkii Petrie

Shortly rhizomatous; tufts dense, bright green. Culms c. 0.5 mm. diam., triquetrous, smooth; basal sheaths chestnut. Lvs 3–5 per culm, wiry, striated, scabrid towards the acute tip. Infl. a compound spike, pale green or pale brown. Spikes androgynous, male fls terminal, occ. absent in the lower spike. Glumes = or slightly >, rarely < utricles, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or acute, membr., light brown or almost colourless, midrib light green, prominent in the lowermost glumes and often scabrid towards the tip. Utricles 4–4.5 × c. 1 mm., plano-convex, elliptic-obovoid, ± papillose, strongly nerved slightly winged; beak 1.5–2 mm. long, scabrid on the margins, orifice oblique, bifid; stipe minute or absent. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 2 mm. long, plano-convex, oblong, shortly stipitate.
Culms 1–2–(4) cm. long, much < lvs and hidden for the most part by the lf-sheaths. Lvs 3–12–(20) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., involute. Infl. 1–1.5 cm. × c. 5 mm., us. subtended by a lf-like bract.

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Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie
Carex kirkii Petrie

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Carex kirkii Petrie
New Zealand
Carex kirkii Petrie
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex kirkii Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex kirkii Petrie
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Lectotype [selected by Edgar in Moore and Edgar 1970, p. 279]: headwaters of Luggate Creek, Mount Pisa, Otago, 4000 ft., D Petrie, Feb 1885. AK 2480; isolectotype US 2038825

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scientific name
1 January 2000
23 February 2025
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