Celmisia dubia Cheeseman

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Celmisia dubia Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl. 308 (1906)
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Stems up to 12 mm. diam., branches clad in lf-remains; branchlets with rosulate tufts of lvs; plants forming often extensive patches. Lamina coriac., ± (3)-5-15 cm. × 10-15 mm.; narrow-oblong to elliptic to lanceolate; upper surface glab., us. plicate, at first covered by distinct pellicle; lower surface densely clad in very closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib distinct; apex subacute to acute, sts apiculate; margins us. somewhat recurved, entire or very obscurely toothed, cuneately narrowed to slender petiole up to ± 15 mm. long. Sheath c. 3-6 cm. long; tomentum of mingled loose and appressed hairs, at length deciduous. Scape slender, ± 10-25 cm. long, white with floccose tomentum; bracts linear to linear-spathulate, lower up to c. 3 cm. long. Capitula ± 2-3 cm. diam.; outermost phyll. floccose without, ± glab. within, c. 7 mm. long; inner phyll. glab., up to 10 mm. long; all linear-subulate, acute. Ray-florets many, c. 12 mm. long, limb linear-oblong to narrow-obovate; disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth minute. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric; ribs fine, with very few hairs to glab. Pappus-hairs slender, up to ± 6 mm. long, barbellate.
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
n = 54, 54 + 2f
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Woody-based herb with branchlets arising from a simple or multicipital stock, usually hidden below ground; living leaves in rosettes at the tips of branchlets, the whole plant forming an irregular patch of one to several rosettes; leaf sheaths densely imbricate and compacted, forming a pseudo-stem. Leaf lamina (2.3)-8-(15) × (0.7)-1.6-(3) cm, subcoriaceous, erect when young but becoming patent (especially in small plants from exposed sites); upper surface usually sulcate, concolorous, sometimes slightly bronzed, covered by a thick lead-coloured dull pellicle; lower surface densely covered in glistening appressed tomentum, midrib prominent, often purple; tip acute; margins entire or with fine distinct teeth, often recurved; base narrowed to a distinct petiole up to 3 cm long. Sheath up to 6 × 1.5 cm, purple, glabrate. Scape purple, sparsely clad in floccose white hairs, often slender, up to 25 cm long; bracts several, erect, up to 4 cm long, margins revolute; monocephalous. Ray florets 20-60, ligulate, the limb narrow-linear, white. Disc florets 20-80, c. 6 mm long, funneliform, yellow, long eglandular biseriate hairs along most of tube.
Taxonomic concepts
Celmisia coriacea var. lancifolia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia coriacea var. lancifolia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2006