Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.

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Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi
Vernacular names
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Densely branched perennial herb or subshrub arising from stout woody stock up to 4 mm. diam.; stems stout, woody in lower parts, not or hardly rooting, crowded, sts branched in upper parts, us. naked below and densely lfy at tips, bifariously white-pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. Close-set, spreading, 5-10 × 3-6 mm., obovate to obovate-cuneate with 1-2 pairs of us. shallow incisions near broad obtuse apex, glab., very cartilaginous and us. blackish when dry with glossy thickened margins. Fls us. few in tight cluster at tips of branches, pedicels up to 4 mm. long, us. hidden; occ. infl. more elongated. Calyx 6-8 mm. long, glab. or nearly so, ± unevenly divided ?-1/2 way; lobes obtuse with thickened margins and midribs. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long; tube us. much > calyx and rather narrow; lobes of lower lip up to 6 mm. wide, shallowly emarginate. Anthers golden brown to red-brown, marginal hairs ∞, awns stout, almost equal. Capsule ± = calyx or occ. exceeding it, broadly oblong, glab.; seeds ∞, c. 2 mm. long.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Densely branched perennial herb or subshrub arising from stout woody stock; stems stout, woody in lower parts, crowded, sometimes branched in upper parts, usually naked below and densely leafy at tips, bifariously white-hairy. Lvs sessile, 5-10 × 3-6 mm, obovate or broadly obovate-cuneate with 1-2 pairs of usually shallow incisions near broad obtuse apex, glabrous. Fls on pedicels to 4 mm long. Calyx 6-8 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, divided ?-1/2 way. Corolla white, 10-15 mm long. Anthers golden brown to reddish brown; marginal hairs numerous; awns stout, almost equal. Capsule ± = or occasionally > calyx, 6-9 × 3-4 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000