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Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore

Scientific name record
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Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore in Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 940 (1961)

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(G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis

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Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore

Lvs closely imbricate at least when young, c. 6 × 3 mm., broad-elliptic, narrowed into short membr. winged petiole c. 1·5 mm. wide; lamina obtuse but narrowed towards tip, subcoriac., often ± keeled, margin us. entire, us. with scattered minute glandular hairs when young. Bracts and calyx-lobes linear-oblong, 5-6 mm. long, < corolla-tube.

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Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 January 2023
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