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Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl, Gefässbündel Farrn 18 (1847)
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl

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New Zealand
Political Region

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(Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba
From the latin superbus (magnificent, superior), a reference to the striking appearence of this fern.

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Stock stout, up to 1 m. tall, us. less. Fronds crowded, spreading, up to 12 dm. long; stipites dark brown, densely to sparsely clad in woolly brownish hairs, or almost nude, up to 15 cm. long and 5 mm. or more diam. Rhachides us. densely clad in woolly hairs. Lamina tripinnate, about lanceolate in outline, acuminate. Primary pinnae close-set, uppermost under 3 cm. long, mid up to 15 cm., lowest 3 cm. or less. Pinnules pinnatisect, overlapping, pellucid, up to 2 cm. long. Sporangia along vein of pinnule, mainly in lower half of pinnae.

Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl

n = 22
n = 22
2n = c. 42
n = 22
n = 22

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Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl

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Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Leptopteris superba (Colenso) C.Presl
New Zealand
Westland Land District

Click to collapse Notes Info

From the latin superbus (magnificent, superior), a reference to the striking appearence of this fern.

Click to collapse Metadata Info

scientific name
1 January 2000
15 March 2012
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