Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024

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Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. in Johnston & Park, FUSE 14 160 (2024)
Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024
P.R. Johnst.
Seaver & Waterston
(Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst.
Ebollia carnea
has host
Ascocarps deeply immersed, urceolate, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., round, opening widely. Crystalline margin entire, not extensive. Margin in cross-section 40 µm wide. Crystals forming a layer 35 µm wide, in top half of margin. Wall 5-10 µm wide, extending from host surface, but not under subhymenium, comprising hyaline hyphae. Periphyses 15 x 2 µm, mostly unbranching, forming a compact layer. Paraphyses undifferentiated or slightly swollen at tips, nonamyloid. Asci 130-170 x 6-8 µm, cap 4-6 µm thick, usually 8-spored, branching, sometimes fewer. Ascospores variable in shape and size, usually filiform, 70-155 x 4-5 µm, with cells 1.5-3 µm long, constricted and sometimes disarticulating at a few septa. Spores less frequently irregular in shape, 22-75 x 10-12 µm, with cells 2-5 µm long, often swollen and often forming a few longitudinal septa.
Anamorph in vivo: Has not been found.
Characteristics in culture: Ascospores germinating on agar plates after 2 days, forming colonies on OA 3 cm diam. after 4 weeks. Aerial mycelium white, cottony. Pycnidia globose, numerous, solitary, scattered, opening by an irregular split in wall, from which conidia ooze in creamy-yellow coloured slime. Pycnidial wall comprising hyaline, gelatinised hyphae. Conidiophores forming from inner wall layers, cylindric, 8-12 µm long, not branching with 2-3 conidiogenous cells held at the tips. Conidiogenous cells cylindric, 7-10 x 1.5-2 µm, hyaline, with a small, often flaring collarette. Conidia apparently forming holoblastically following a short, apical proliferation of the conidiogenous cell. Conidia filiform, not tapering, 55-82 x 1.5-2 µm, 9-14 transverse septa, not constricted at septa, apex rounded, base truncate, hyaline.
Anamorph in vivo: Has not been found.
Characteristics in culture: Ascospores germinating on agar plates after 2 days, forming colonies on OA 3 cm diam. after 4 weeks. Aerial mycelium white, cottony. Pycnidia globose, numerous, solitary, scattered, opening by an irregular split in wall, from which conidia ooze in creamy-yellow coloured slime. Pycnidial wall comprising hyaline, gelatinised hyphae. Conidiophores forming from inner wall layers, cylindric, 8-12 µm long, not branching with 2-3 conidiogenous cells held at the tips. Conidiogenous cells cylindric, 7-10 x 1.5-2 µm, hyaline, with a small, often flaring collarette. Conidia apparently forming holoblastically following a short, apical proliferation of the conidiogenous cell. Conidia filiform, not tapering, 55-82 x 1.5-2 µm, 9-14 transverse septa, not constricted at septa, apex rounded, base truncate, hyaline.
Habitat: Found once,on dead wood of Ripogonum.
Ascocarpi immersi, profunde cupulati, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., margine integro, albo, in sectione transversali 40 µm crasso. Stratum crystallinum 30 µm crassum. Stratum parietis 5-10 µm crassum, hypharis achromis. Periphysoidea 15 x 2 µm, non ramosa. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, in iodo non caerulescentes. Asci 130-170 x 6-8 µm, apice 4-6 µm crassi, 4-8 spori. Sporae filiformae, 70-155 x 4-5µm, vel enormae, muriformae, 22-75 x 10-12 µm, cellulis 1.5-3 µm longis. Status conidalis: Ebollia sp.
Holotypus: PDD 41848 ex Ripogonum scandens J. R. et G. Forst.
Holotypus: PDD 41848 ex Ripogonum scandens J. R. et G. Forst.
Etymology: inconstans = variable, inconstant; refers to spore shape and size.
Note: Muriform ascospores have previously been unreported for Stictis (Sherwood 1977a), although they are known to occur in a few other Ostropalean genera. Gilenstam (1974) describes 5 species of the Ostropalean lichen genus Conotrema Tuckerman; 4 have transversely multiseptate ascospores, the spores of the fifth are muriform. See also notes under S. carnea.
Note: Muriform ascospores have previously been unreported for Stictis (Sherwood 1977a), although they are known to occur in a few other Ostropalean genera. Gilenstam (1974) describes 5 species of the Ostropalean lichen genus Conotrema Tuckerman; 4 have transversely multiseptate ascospores, the spores of the fifth are muriform. See also notes under S. carnea.
Holotype: New Zealand: AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ra., Parau Track, on Ripogonum scandens, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 23 Oct 1980 (PDD 41848).
Taxonomic concepts
Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024
Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston (1941)
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston
Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston (1941)
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston (1941)
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston (1941)
Stictis carnea Seaver & Waterston 1941
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. (1983)
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst.
Ebollia carnea (Seaver & Waterston) P.R. Johnst. 2024
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. (1983)
Identification keys
scientific name
23 May 2024