Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude

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Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 132 (1897)
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Minute plant with stout, very sparingly branched to unbranched rhizomes up to c. 2 cm. long, forming patches up to c. 5 cm. diam. Lvs crowded, on rather stout petioles up to ± 1 cm. long. Lamina 2-4-(5) mm. diam., suborbicular to broad-ovate, truncate to subcordate at base, coriac., entire to very obscurely 3-5-lobed or crenulate; margins slightly recurved. Stipules obsolescent. Umbels on rather stout peduncles < 1 cm. long; involucral bracts linear-oblong. Fls minute, 3-8 per umbel; calyx-teeth minute, unequal, acute. Fr. subtetragonous, 2-2.5 mm. long; mericarps obscurely 5-ribbed, rounded on dorsal margin.
Taxonomic concepts
Azorella exigua Kirk
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Kirk
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
Schizeilema exiguum (Hook.f.) Domin
Schizeilema exiguum (Hook.f.) Domin
Schizeilema exiguum (Hook.f.) Domin
Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Drude
scientific name
26 October 2017
26 October 2017